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Re: Dietary, juicing and herbal help for high blood pressure (also some info on low blood pressure)
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Re: Dietary, juicing and herbal help for high blood pressure (also some info on low blood pressure)

But anyway as far as the greens, according to Boutenko, the plants do not mind animals eating some but they do not want them to eat them all as then they will die, so nearly every green has some sort of chemical in it that if over-consumed can make one sick (for example, oxalic acid in spinach, romaine lettuce has an opiate type chemical in it etc. This means you need to alternate the green you use every day or two, Her family liked kale and was consuming kale smoothies every day and got sick so alternate the greens and there will be no problems and you will get a range of nutrients.

Greens contain chlorophyll (frozen sunlight) which is similar chemically to human blood and is like getting a healthy blood transfusion.There also are about 50% protein in greens which is important for the vegetarian/vegan to know and Boutenko feels they actually should be a separate food group.

So how do you make a green smoothie..there are plenty of youtube videos and books with recipes.

But basically you blend or preferably vitamix greens with fruits (occasionally veggies too)..fruits are cleansers when juicing and veggies are builders.

Some of the greens are as follows:

kale (various kinds), collard greens, swiss chard, rainbow chard, mustard greens, parsley, watercress, green leafy tops like beet greens, carrot tops, daikon tops, radish tops, parsley root greens and so forth, romaine., arugala, spinach, bok choy, romaine, celery, any greens from the Asian markets, and safe wild greens such as dandelion greens, leaves of daises, grape vines. violets, berries, pumpkins, plantain (found in lawns and parks everywhere), clover leaves, burdock, cleavers, purslane, lamb's quarter, etc

Take your green and blend with any fruit or fruit combo you like such as berries, apples, pears, peaches, grapes, dates, persimmons, citrus, pineapple, mango, coconut and young coconut (pulp/water and other tropical fruits, melons, etc

Blend these with water. If desired use a healthy sweetener like raw agave etc Do not add other things like protein powders, spirulina and all that.

If making green juices use a juicer and no pulp.  Green juices must be drank within about 20 minutes lest the enzymes dissipate,Homemade juices go bad quickly and should not be held in the refrigerator (if you do or must, put in a glass jar, fill to the tip top excluding as much air as possible and cap) But green smoothies last up to 2-3 days in refrigerator.

Walker who I mention below have juice recipes for various illnesses but I noticed a few juices appeared under almost all diseases and they were carrot and carrot/spinach so include these for healing. That is 6 oz of spinach and 10 oz of carrot juices.He also used lemon a lot.

Sr Schulze who healed the incurables said the best veggie juice is 40% carrot, 40% beets and 20% beet tops or other leafy green and the best fruit juice was 40% apple, 40% grape and 20% berries.

I looked up the juices Dr Walker recommends for heart trouble and for high blood pressure

For heart trouble he recommends

a-10 oz of carrot juice and 6 oz of spinach juice,
b-carrot juice and
c-carrot , beet, cucumber juice which is 10oz carrot, 3 oz beet and 3oz of cucumber juices and in his book fruit and vegetable juices talks more about causes etc

For high blood pressure,he says this results from impurities in the blood vessels stemming from 3 sources--hypodermic injections and drugs whether medical or otherwise, deposits in the blood stream of inorganic atoms accumulating from cooked and processed foods especially concentrated starches and sugars and 3rd from the retention of waste in the eliminative organs and channels, so trying to lesson the causes if the blood stream impurities mentioned would be of help.

For high blood pressure he says to take these juices
a carrot-spinach (10 oz carrot and 6 oz spinach
b-carrot, celery. parsley and spinach juice which is 7 oz carrot, 4 oz of celery, 2 oz parsley and 3 oz spinach
c-the carrot,beet, cuke combo (10 oz carrot, 3 oz beet 3 oz cucumber)
d-spinach juice

For those with low blood pressure which is from eating all or mostly cooked and processed foods that switching to raw and juices can help quickly regenerate the blood corpuscles. Another very serious contributer to low blood pressure is lack of sleep and rest. He says each hour sleep before 10pm is worth more than 22 hours sleep in the morning. Smoking and alcohol contribute to both high and low blood pressure

for low blood pressure the juices are the same as for high blood pressure listed above as a, b, c, & d listed above under high blood pressure together with
e carrot -11 oz, beet 3 oz and coconut 2 oz)
f  carrot juice

Of course cayenne being the great blood pressure equalizer is good to help both high and low blood sugar and for crisis moments. I would use a tincture or at least a cayenne tea I know this works for low blood pressure as it brought my mom's from the dangerously low 30s to normal with one application of strong cayenne tincture.

since it talks of dirty blood I suggest using alterative herbs  these are blood purifiers/blood sweeteners. here is more about what they do and a list of them.

I feel burdock root (I like herbpharm brand) is a good one.Also plantain is very good for blood cleansing and especially blood poisoning and it is free --go out and pick a lot of it and add it to some 80 proof vodka and when blended, put in a glass jar and let settle and add vodka or plantain till it is 50-50 or if you want it stronger use 75% or more herbs and a layer of the liquid will rise and make it say 25% of the bottle or the strength you want. I usually do at least 50% herbs. Then cap it and label it, put an expiration date 5 years from when you strain it though it will be good a lot longer..they have been good 50 o even 100 plus years.

Shake it every day whenever you think of it for about 2 weeks and then you can strain through a cloth/cheesecloth or just let it sit longer and dip some out for use shaking it whenever. Store in a dark glass like blue, brown or green or put it in a paper bag or glass painted on the outside or at least a dark cupboard as light deteriorates it. buy or reuse a tincture bottle with an eyedropper top for dosing and refill it as needed from the big tincture.  This (above) is how you make any tincture and you will save up to 90% over buying. When ordering bulk organic (or wild rcafted herbs) preferably buy cut and sifted over powdered.

Below you see I mention celery for high blood addition to eating and juicing it you can make a tincture by adding 80-100 proof can use the cheapest brand..get one that says distilled from grain on the label and then you will always have some celery on hand each day.

Some of those other alterative herbs can be found free in the wilds or are inexpensive like garlic. (do not take sassafras daily as too much is not good. Check online for other cautions. Chickweed, cleavers, burdock, elderberry flowers, nettles, echinacea, red clover and more grow in Ohio

Check a good herbal like Dr Christopher's school of natural healing for when these are best harvested and which part of the plant.




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