I had posted this elsewhere and thought it may be of help to poeple her
I started typing and wound up doing a very comprehensive piece on helping high blood pressure with diet, herbs etc
The first post has a lot of info on green smoothies, green juices and the most beneficial juices.
Well for heart concerns the two best herbs are hawthorne and cayenne. You always want to mainly take herbs in tincture form as the
Capsules are rarely absorbed, and sometimes get burned in the powdering process. Tinctures extract more of the healing phytochemicals that cure and prevent disease and due to the alcohol menstrum. They go right to the bloodstream passing digestion which is a boon for those without proper PH and with digestive problems.
Always buy organic or wildcrafted herbs whenever possibly as these contain 7-10 times the healing pytochemicals and phytonutrients over conventional grown herbs. Wildcrafted herbs are ones that come directly from the wilds or fields, woods, meadow etc. If harvesting your own herbs to make herbal products, do not pick near highways or from sprayed lawns/areas.
First greens, green juices and green smoothies have tremendous healing power for all illnesses and for health and energy etc. Boutenko did a study with a town where she had the residents make no changes in their regular diet only add one quart of green smoothie a day. They made all the juices and the husband transported them I think she said 200 miles a day or something. The results of a questionnaire at the end of the 30 day test period showed all people reporting improvements and desire to continue this on their own. They reported things like weight loss, more energy, better sleep and digestions and generally health improvements. Even a glass a day if better than none.
Boutenko studied the diet of chimpanzees one of our closest relatives sharing 99.7% of our exact DNA sequence, Some researchers are even saying they should be classified as humans as they show the ability to create new signs when taught new language and in the wild create their own sign language to communicate and use primitive tools. They are said to have the intelligence of a 7 year old child.
She wanted to see what an animal so close to use genetically eats since they eat from instinct and found their diet far differs from the average vegetarian, vegan or raw foodist. 40-50% of their diet is greens. 40-50% of it is fruits which include above ground veggies that are classified technically as fruits like peppers, tomatoes, cucumber etc. The remaining 5-7% consists of stems, pith, nuts/seeds and insects. They only eat the roots of plants in emergency situations.
Greens for making green smoothies are a good things to pick to save money and wild greens have a lot more nutrients than ones purchased from stores.Generally the greens of a plant contain several times the nutrients as the root of the same plant.for instance, beet greens would be a lot more nutrients than beet top. The roots of the plant tend to be sweeter and often higher in the glycemic index and are made sweet by the plant for the purpose of attracting the microorganisms in the soil that they require.
Pound for pound, green are the most nutritious food on the planet according to green smoothie researcher and author Victoria Boutenko who did an extensive study. They contain the RNA for every nutrient but one (I think b12) if one eats enough. Since it is hard to eat raw some of these tough, not that tasty greens, the green smoothie and also green juices are the way to go.
Everyone should include at least a quart or more of green smoothies a day. (green juices are also good and do not use green smoothies when juice fasting as they do contain pulp which will mess up ones juice fast and cause hunger while with just juices (herb teas and homemade potassium broths are also ok for juice fasting).
If making green juices or any kind of fruit or veggie home (in your juicer), you want to consume it on an empty stomach with no pulp or food for at least 30 minutes (you can use the pulp later though for recipes etc). This way the vital elements like enzymes, atoms, molecules, phytonutrients, vitamins and mineral etc go to healing and repair and not to mainly digestion. Also chew the juice to stimulate the digestive juices.
Ms. Boutenko even goes so far to state after 15 years on a 100% raw, vegan, whole food organic diet that she began to cure her son of type 1 diabetes and her husband who was told he would be dead in 2 months without drastic surgery (they all experienced complete healings and maintain these healings). She now believes green smoothies are even more important than going all raw.
At one point she consumed nothing but green smoothies up to 2 gallons a day as she says they were so satisfying. Within about a week she screamed in the tub as several lifetime warts and moles fell off her body. When her husband a massage therapist with several unsightly warts on his hands did the same, his also dropped off and his beard turned from gray to black. Anne Wigmore founder of the Hippocrates center who popularized wheat grass juice, rejuvelac, and green energy soup etc who was a also a raw foodist consuming a lot of greens etc had her hair turn from gray to black and maintained it into old age. Her students did not believe her and had it sent somewhere to see if it was dyed and it was not. She had so much energy, she would run several hours a day when she was in her 80s.
Victoria also noted that like most people when her family ate beets it turned their feces and urine red and did this even on 100% raw foods but after consuming the green smoothies all of her family's stomach ph improved to the point that this no longer happens nor does it go green when they eat heavy greens.
In nature, the plant wants animals to consume the fruits as the seeds are dropped and the plant can reproduce. It does not want you to eat the roots as then it will die. This jives with the studies of Arnold Ehret who along with his disciples achieved phenomenal health eating primarily fruits and above the ground veggies.
I remember this from reading 30 years ago as it so struck me. A female discipline of his who already felt she had excellent health as she had been a vegetarian or maybe vegan for many years, discovered a lot of changes..her skin grow softer than a baby's, her eyes got better and clearer, she was a waitress and said she let work after her work shift with as much abundant energy as she arrived with despite being on her feet all day. She could climb up steep hills that left everyone puffing and resting without even noticing the least effort and other changes. Everyone began telling her that her entire disposition had changed of the better..she was always happy and cheery, rarely got stressed out, never got angry and just mega improved.
Here are some of Ehret's online books we have posted.
But anyway as far as the greens, according to Boutenko, the plants do not mind animals eating some but they do not want them to eat them all as then they will die, so nearly every green has some sort of chemical in it that if over-consumed can make one sick (for example, oxalic acid in spinach, romaine lettuce has an opiate type chemical in it etc. This means you need to alternate the green you use every day or two, Her family liked kale and was consuming kale smoothies every day and got sick so alternate the greens and there will be no problems and you will get a range of nutrients.
Greens contain chlorophyll (frozen sunlight) which is similar chemically to human blood and is like getting a healthy blood transfusion.There also are about 50% protein in greens which is important for the vegetarian/vegan to know and Boutenko feels they actually should be a separate food group.
So how do you make a green smoothie..there are plenty of youtube videos and books with recipes.
But basically you blend or preferably vitamix greens with fruits (occasionally veggies too)..fruits are cleansers when juicing and veggies are builders.
Some of the greens are as follows:
kale (various kinds), collard greens, swiss chard, rainbow chard, mustard greens, parsley, watercress, green leafy tops like beet greens, carrot tops, daikon tops, radish tops, parsley root greens and so forth, romaine., arugala, spinach, bok choy, romaine, celery, any greens from the Asian markets, and safe wild greens such as dandelion greens, leaves of daises, grape vines. violets, berries, pumpkins, plantain (found in lawns and parks everywhere), clover leaves, burdock, cleavers, purslane, lamb's quarter, etc
Take your green and blend with any fruit or fruit combo you like such as berries, apples, pears, peaches, grapes, dates, persimmons, citrus, pineapple, mango, coconut and young coconut (pulp/water and other tropical fruits, melons, etc
Blend these with water. If desired use a healthy sweetener like raw agave etc Do not add other things like protein powders, spirulina and all that.
If making green juices use a juicer and no pulp. Green juices must be drank within about 20 minutes lest the enzymes dissipate,Homemade juices go bad quickly and should not be held in the refrigerator (if you do or must, put in a glass jar, fill to the tip top excluding as much air as possible and cap) But green smoothies last up to 2-3 days in refrigerator.
Walker who I mention below have juice recipes for various illnesses but I noticed a few juices appeared under almost all diseases and they were carrot and carrot/spinach so include these for healing. That is 6 oz of spinach and 10 oz of carrot juices.He also used lemon a lot.
Sr Schulze who healed the incurables said the best veggie juice is 40% carrot, 40% beets and 20% beet tops or other leafy green and the best fruit juice was 40% apple, 40% grape and 20% berries.
I looked up the juices Dr Walker recommends for heart trouble and for high blood pressure
For heart trouble he recommends
a-10 oz of carrot juice and 6 oz of spinach juice,
b-carrot juice and
c-carrot , beet, cucumber juice which is 10oz carrot, 3 oz beet and 3oz of cucumber juices and in his book fruit and vegetable juices talks more about causes etc
For high blood pressure,he says this results from impurities in the blood vessels stemming from 3 sources--hypodermic injections and drugs whether medical or otherwise, deposits in the blood stream of inorganic atoms accumulating from cooked and processed foods especially concentrated starches and sugars and 3rd from the retention of waste in the eliminative organs and channels, so trying to lesson the causes if the blood stream impurities mentioned would be of help.
For high blood pressure he says to take these juices
a carrot-spinach (10 oz carrot and 6 oz spinach
b-carrot, celery. parsley and spinach juice which is 7 oz carrot, 4 oz of celery, 2 oz parsley and 3 oz spinach
c-the carrot,beet, cuke combo (10 oz carrot, 3 oz beet 3 oz cucumber)
d-spinach juice
For those with low blood pressure which is from eating all or mostly cooked and processed foods that switching to raw and juices can help quickly regenerate the blood corpuscles. Another very serious contributer to low blood pressure is lack of sleep and rest. He says each hour sleep before 10pm is worth more than 22 hours sleep in the morning. Smoking and alcohol contribute to both high and low blood pressure
for low blood pressure the juices are the same as for high blood pressure listed above as a, b, c, & d listed above under high blood pressure together with
e carrot -11 oz, beet 3 oz and coconut 2 oz)
f carrot juice
Of course cayenne being the great blood pressure equalizer is good to help both high and low blood sugar and for crisis moments. I would use a tincture or at least a cayenne tea I know this works for low blood pressure as it brought my mom's from the dangerously low 30s to normal with one application of strong cayenne tincture.
since it talks of dirty blood I suggest using alterative herbs these are blood purifiers/blood sweeteners.
http://www.gaines.com/store/Herbs/HerbsLibrary/Alterative.html here is more about what they do and a list of them.
I feel burdock root (I like herbpharm brand) is a good one.Also plantain is very good for blood cleansing and especially blood poisoning and it is free --go out and pick a lot of it and add it to some 80 proof vodka and when blended, put in a glass jar and let settle and add vodka or plantain till it is 50-50 or if you want it stronger use 75% or more herbs and a layer of the liquid will rise and make it say 25% of the bottle or the strength you want. I usually do at least 50% herbs. Then cap it and label it, put an expiration date 5 years from when you strain it though it will be good a lot longer..they have been good 50 o even 100 plus years.
Shake it every day whenever you think of it for about 2 weeks and then you can strain through a cloth/cheesecloth or just let it sit longer and dip some out for use shaking it whenever. Store in a dark glass like blue, brown or green or put it in a paper bag or glass painted on the outside or at least a dark cupboard as light deteriorates it. buy or reuse a tincture bottle with an eyedropper top for dosing and refill it as needed from the big tincture. This (above) is how you make any tincture and you will save up to 90% over buying. When ordering bulk organic (or wild rcafted herbs) preferably buy cut and sifted over powdered.
Below you see I mention celery for high blood pressure..in addition to eating and juicing it you can make a tincture by adding 80-100 proof vodka..you can use the cheapest brand..get one that says distilled from grain on the label and then you will always have some celery on hand each day.
Some of those other alterative herbs can be found free in the wilds or are inexpensive like garlic. (do not take sassafras daily as too much is not good. Check online for other cautions. Chickweed, cleavers, burdock, elderberry flowers, nettles, echinacea, red clover and more grow in Ohio
Check a good herbal like Dr Christopher's school of natural healing for when these are best harvested and which part of the plant.
An interesting thing pointed out by Norman Walker the father of modern juice movement who lived to be 97 and was a raw foodist, vegan was that if produce is sprayed even heavily sprayed the pesticides, herbicides etc are concentrated in the fibers of the plant and when the fruit or veggie is triturated (smashed) in the juicer the juice is not contaminated as the juice locked inside the fibers is still as organic and repels the chemicals as oil to water so if one's organic food dollars are limited one can save them for produce etc not juiced or if a meat eater for organic dairy and meats as these are far more contaminated than produce. If only a few organic produce items are able to be afforded save it for the dirty dozen of the most heavily sprayed produce.
The things currently gmo are soy (95%), corn (85%) and their derivatives like high fructose corn syrup, beets (95% which is bad as 53% of all sugar in the us is from beets, alfalfa was just approved, Hawaiian papaya, a small amount of zucchini and yellow crookneck squash (13%) cottonseed oil (80%), By 2013 golden rice will be here d some are thinking of genetically modifying wheat which would be real bad, Gm are also used in making many processed foods, improving clarity of juices and in cheese making. All animals foods but organic are also gmo due to being fed gm corn etc. I also heard some honey can be gotten from bees reared on gm crops. Some potatoes but not sure how much Atlantic, Russett Burbank, Russet Norkatah, and Shepody and chips made from them. Farm raised salmon and aspartame. (tobacco-only from quest cigarettes to produce low to no nicotine cigarettes) Lab= need to say non gmo or organic to be sure. If relatives are meat eaters, they need to be made aware to only use organic and grass fed beef for their safety.
Vitamins - Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is often made from corn, vitamin E is usually made from soy. Vitamins A, B2, B6, and B12 may be derived from GMOs as well as vitamin D and vitamin K may have "carriers" derived from GM corn sources, such as starch, glucose, and maltodextrin.
90% of all food in the modern supermarket contain gmos
here is a list of some of them
Buying locally can reduce these and from coops and farmer's market where one can talk to people in the know there as to what is done to the foods. Join the millions against Monsanto march and be aware that whole foods can no longer guarantee the food sold there is not gmo but their brand is supposed to be and any labeled as non gmo or organic. Eat mainly whole foods to reduce gmos. If buying your own seeds, especially for the ones currently gmo be sure they are not gm or use organic seeds but if your neighbors don't yours could cross-pollinate with them..one could consider growing food indoors and some coops like circle coop will be growing things in greenhouses to avoid this.
In addition to tinctures, herb teas are next best. Use distilled or steam distilled water as it is empty and thus more of the vital phytochemcials are released into the tea but alcohol in tinctures extracts even more. One could also do a combination of the two by squirting a little organic tincture into an organic tea.
In addition to avoiding gmos, eating a whole food diet and a very high raw diet and the green smoothies and green juices, try this.
The great healers all say the hotter the cayenne the better and one can make their own tinctures using fresh cayenne in varying heat units or purchase. I find herbpharm is not too hot myself compared to some I tried but the hottest there is is from herbdoc.com from Dr Schulze who has been called professor cayenne. He says he uses gas masks to mix it but whoa that scares me but they say as one takes in cayenne, they get more used to taking it
Again preferred is organic but if one wants to get some regular and one could even juice it and tincture the juice.
Here is more on cayenne, its uses and testimonies including Dr Christopher's himself who cured the incurables and taught Dr Schulze who intensified everything. Christopher had high blood pressure
there are some very interesting stores on what cayenne can do here
the 2nd part of this article shows how it affect blood pressure positively
From the book left for dead by Dick Quinn who decided against another quadruple heart bypass when the first stopped helping, I learned that the combination of cayenne and garlic (raw only minimum three cloves a day) plague on the arteries can be reversed. A vegan diet according to the film forks over knives helps reverse endothelium cell damage
For the capillaries use organic ginger tincture. When the plague is removed the vessels are wider and thus blood pressure goes down.
here is what Master Healer/Herbalist Dr John R christopher says about high blood pressure..he is the reason Dick Quinn learned how to heal his heart and avoid quadruple bypass.
You can see he says to clean the elimination organs (primary one is the bowel..I recommend the intestinal cleanse #1 and #2 by his leading student Dr Richard Schulze sold at herbdoc.com A comparable version is also sold at healmarketplace.com (Schulze's student) and heathfree.com
The other elimination organs are kidney/bladder, liver/gall bladder. skin, lungs and blood. So cleansing of all these may be of help. The book detox by Linda Rector Page has a lot of ways to detox
but I recommend especially Dr Schulze (products at herbdoc or the site listed above) and here are some of his five days cleanses (scroll down to the blue writing for more on his colon cleansing/kidney/liver etc the detox formula is for blood cleansing
Dr Christopher also mention reducing cholesterol as helping blood pressure.He says this The condition is brought about by improper diet, insufficient rest and exercise and a lack of vitality within the system. He recommends avoiding cholesterol and mucus forming foods which cheese is one of the most mucus forming. Also other animal products. Also sticky grains like many rices and so forth. He also says
"Take herbs that act as a solvent by liquefying impurities such as cayenne, garlic or sassafras. Take cayenne, working up to a teaspoon three times a day. This increases the power of the heart and corrects the circulation problems. Garlic in copious amounts will bring down high blood pressure."
at the link below he also mentions other helps like tomato juice, wheat germ oil, avoiding worry etc
He also speaks of things that help low blood pressure like garlic. He mentions some herbal formulas and herbs and vitamin k and kelp at the link below. He lists some juices that help both high and low blood sugar
they are as follows (also see other juice suggestions in this post)
Juices for High Blood Pressure: Celery-garlic-parsley, celery, dandelion, grapefruit.
Juices for Low Blood Pressure: Beet, grape, pomegranate
http://www.herballegacy.com/Blood_Pressure.html info on helping high blood pressure
He lists some of his formulas but do not buy nature's way brand as his heirs do not use organic herbs in all their stuff and often use the useless capsuled herbs
This makes sense as usually the biggest expense in tinctures is the vodka...conventional herbs are dirt cheap and this is why so few herbs really help people..bad, weak, herbs in poorly absorbed form. Some but not all of Dr Christopher's formulas can be found at heathgreen or healmarketplace. Dara who runs healmarketplace has a toll free number and might be willing to make custom made formulas. If buying bulk herbs, I find mountain rose sells 4 oz just a little more than many companies charge or one ounce of bulk organic herbs.
I would read this on the heart as it also covers the venous system
As far as cayenne, I feel the best way to take it is as a tincture. the hottest you take but maybe start off with weaker one and work up. The average tincture dose for a well person is 2 dropperfuls 60 drops about 3 times a day.Increase to about 2 dropperfuls 5 times a day if sick with all tinctures.
If you weigh much above 25 pounds more or less than 150 then follow Clark's rule for dosing explained here
If you do not want to use a tincture, cayenne tea made with steam distilled or distilled water is next best..work up a teas and take a total of 3 teaspoons three times a day
It works best if you can taste it on your tongue.
Drinking water makes it worst as far as heat/burning. Crackers are supposed to help by lifting the oils off the tongue or try to put it way back of the tongue to avoid getting it on there as much.
But if you cannot do either, then at least take the capsules as this did cure Dick Quinn who I mentioned earlier. Try to take at least 90,000 iu instead of just 40,000 which is weak and if you can go even higher to the habenero but this may upset stomach and burn coming out.
I would take it with any other herbs you take as it makes them all work better but I would not take it with drugs as it may affect things. It is a catalyst herb and gets it to where it needs to go better.
I would take it at least 2 or 3 times a day..even more if you like.
So I guess I would say do tincture (hot as you can stand it) 3 times a day --more if ill is ok...maybe 5 times or more if desired
If too hot maybe you could take the very hot one once a day and weaker tinctures the rest of the day
2nd best tea work up to 3 teaspoons a day taken in hot or warm distilled water
capsules hotter preferred minimum 90,000 international heat units or hotter...take 3 times a day start at one capsules and work up to two. this is least preferred.
Take it with raw garlic minimum three cloves a day to help reverse plague and with the ginger organic tincture for the capillaries.
I know Dr schulze has went up to very high doses with herbs to cure his incurable patients and his own deadly ills and said he often took way way more than the wimpy does on the label..consuming an entire ounce or two of tincture a day sometimes. If said with some commercial products he took 100 times the dose and had no effect as they were so useless.
You want good herbs and you do not want to take herbs that are not wildcrafted or organic although you may get help, it is far better odds with organic herbs that are much more potent.
Dr Schulze is my most trusted natural healer who has healed hundreds of thousands of people with his incurables program and his 20 years in an underground clinic healing the dying till he was arrested by FDA agent with machine guns and bulletproof vests for healing people without a license but now he is able to reach a lot more people than he did in the clinic where he and patients needed to keep quiet so in the end it worked out better. He was arrested three times but got off on a technicality and that is when he closed his clinic and his teacher doctor christopher (herballegacy.com) was arrested 6 times as they were so successful in curing terminal and incurable diseases and competition did not like that they had huge lines while regular doctor offices and other herbalist offices stood near empty.
Since I have high blood pressure myself, I researched this a while back and will share here what I found out helps
evening primrose oil caps --2 a day
fruits berries veggies
avoid -sugar fructose
increase grains
reduce salt
fish oil
lipoic acid daily-10-50 mg or 50 mg a week
arjuna (auyededic herb)
take all these together at the same time--hawthorne celery turmeric 1/4 - 1 teaspoons to food (or caps I guess), garlic, and almonds 10 with skin
kava kava for stress
chia seeds (sold under the brand name salba)
vinegar (raw)
uric acid can drive kidney or high blood pressure issues --take black cherry juice, sour cherries or celery
beet juice
dark chocolate
cayenne- blood pressure equalizer
1/2 onion juice and 1/2 honey
1 tsp cayenne and 1/2 cup luke warm water
2 tbs honey and 2 tbs cayenne boil and drink warm
As far as foods, I looked in the "food your miracle medicine" book and here is what she said to use for high blood pressure
Celery has been a folk cure in China for hypertension since 200 BC Dr Elliot from the university of Chicago's Pritzker School of medicine did studies on it and found a blood pressure reducing drug in celery
He extracted the chemical and fed to rats with normal blood pressure and it worked. The upper number systolic) sank about 12-14 %. The pressure lowering chemical is called 3-nobutyl phthalide and gives celery its aroma.
This chemical is high in celery but not existent in many other veggies. It works by reducing blood levels of stress hormones that cause the blood vessels to constrict. Particularly effective if blood pressure is stress related, which is half of all cases in America.
An Asian man whose father was cured with this got Dr Elliot interested., The man ate 2 stalks of celery every day for a week and his blood pressure fell from 158/96 to normal 118/82 In the studies with the rats he used the equivalent of 4 stalks of celery a day.
Next is garlic..in a study patients sank from an average of 171/102 to 152/89 after 3 months and the effect grew stronger as time passed suggesting it has cumulative effect..Onions also help.
2000 mg of omega three fats which was about equal to 3 1/2 oz of fresh mackerel, 4 oz of canned salmon/mackerel or 7 oz of sardines. It was enough to get some people off their medications. Three servings of fish a week for non vegetarians or vegans. Perhaps the superfood chia seeds high in omega three fats might works for non meat eaters,
Next was more fruits and veggies--vegetarians/vegans have lower blood pressure but it was found it is not due to just not eating meat but something in the produce itself. One of the things the doctor who studied it feels it is is fiber from fruits and worked better than veggies or cereals, Also the antioxidants may be increasing a hormones that dilates blood vessels and lowers pressure. Also possibly vitamin c
Next vitamin c --low blood levels of vitamin c raised systolic pressure 16% and diastolic 9%. Eat at least the amount of vitamin c as in a orange a day.
Potassium also helps and is a hypertension medicine.
Also calcium rich foods and remember that milk and dairy like cheese causes the body to be too acidic and this in turn causes the bones to release calcium to try to get rid of the high acidity. So switch to vegan dairy products or cut way back on dairy. [u]So for calcium food think greens like kale, broccoli, collard greens. turnip greens[/u] and if not a vegetarian, sardines and salmon with bones.
Next is olive oil
3 tbs a day can lowers top number 5 points and bottom 6 points, even 2/3rd tbs a day reduced in 4 and 5 points in men. but some studies did not find any help from it..
Reducing salt may help if one goes to a whole food diet instead of refined they cut out 75 % of the salt. 25% of the people who restrict salt have no benefit and 15% of this group can actually see higher blood pressure if they reduce salt..They recommend cut down on sodium for a few months. if it goes down fine if it goes up stop If you have heart, or kidney problems with high blood pressure cut back on salt.
Alcohol can elevate blood pressure according to overwhelming research..the more you drink the higher your blood vessels (if afraid to take the minute safe amounts in tinctures pour a spoon of boiling water over the dose to dissipate the alcohol). Also bad are animal fats and high cholesterol foods (there is no cholesterol in plants or a vegan diet)
Since cholesterol was mentioned the foods that help lower it are beans, oats, apples, carrots, olive oil, avocados, almonds, walnuts., garlic, onions, fatty seafood, fruits and veggies rich in vitamin c, beta carotene grains high in soluble fiber and moderate alcohol Bad for it are high saturated fats and high cholesterol foods
http://curezone.com/schulze/handbook/f-g-h.asp here is what he recommends for hypertension. get his formulas at herbdoc.com or comparable ones at healmarketplace his student's site
here are are directions for the 5 day cleanses he uses. (scroll down to the blue and then click)