I would also recommend the suggestion by Wormwood to add large daily doses of turmeric.
Also add 5 tablspns of raw organic coconut oil for any of the mono type viruses. Start with 1 tbspn per day and add a tablspn every 3 or 4 days. You may have to be on this for a long time.
It took me 7 months to get rid of a bad infestation the first time. The main thing is to hit them as hard as you can until they are all gone. Then you will go on a maintenace program.
You asked if you could up the doses. I and my hubby took 2 and 3 times the recommended doses for many months on end. The herbs will not hurt you. It is the die-off which can be unbearable if you kill too many at once.
Make sure your bowels are moving at least once per day. This is crucial or you will suffer from the added burden of auto-intoxication.