I really need help! Very ill.
I have been ill for 6 months. It started with Mono, then a peritonsullar abscess. Then, 4 months ago I broke out in a papular rash across my abdomen.
I began to have vascular issues and pointed charlie horse/ stinging pain in various parts of my body. Some of my veins began to burst and my legs became cloudy and swollen. I'm only 34 with no prior medical problems. My temperature has gone down to 96.2 and up to 100.3, in a matter of hours. I was diagnosed with Eosinophilia, Enteritis, Prominence of jeunial mucosa, and a “creating cyst” on my right ovary. I’ve been taking
Black-Walnut Green Hull &
Wormwood Tincture, Fresh Ground Cloves, Garlic, ABC Max, Grape Seed Extract, and all the usual vitamins, with no improvement.
I can see that there are organisms in my tonsils, under my skin, and in my stool. It began with these pod/cocoon like sacs, and then wormy looking things, and at times seem to resemble insects. I have spasms, eye pain and dimming in my left eye, bumps all over my body, intestinal pain etc.
I have been to Dr.Tanenbaum at Bronx Parisotology, Dr.Farber at LIJ North Shore Infectious Disease, Dr. Cahill, Dr.Walsh, and Dr. Rosenbaum. All of which are parisotologists, pathologists and/or infectious disease doctors in Long Island and NYC. I have also been to the several emergency rooms, a Neurologist, Ophthalmologist, Vascular MD, several PCP's, and two ENT's. I'm scheduled for an endoscopy and colonoscopy next week. Dr. Bruce Farber was very dismissive and told me I'm not contagious and to "return home to my son", Dr.Cahill found Amoeba and prescribed Alina. I said what about the ones I can see, and the one you pulled out of my tonsil?! He then prescribed 200 mg Albendazole for, “my symptoms”, the last doctor, Dr. Rosenbaum told me I could be contagious, and told me I needed an endoscopy and colonoscopy but told me to stop taking the Albendazole.
I have not seen my 2 year old in almost 2 months for fear that I could get him sick. I have had 7 negative O & P tests, (except for the amoebas) several negative blood tests, and 4 negative bacterial cultures. NSLIJ tested me for Macrosporidia and Microsporidia and sent a r/o fluke test to the Mayo Clinic, again negative.
I’m afraid I’m not in the condition to be put under for this procedures, I’m desperate to return home and see my wife and son again.
I have about a thousand pics and have showed them to all the doctors. I can’t believe nobody can help me! I have lost 28
pounds and look and feel horrible.
Please, if anyone has any idea what these are, or a doctor that has helped them, let me know. Thanks for taking the time to read this!