Re: What happened after day 3 of adding myrrh to cleanse
I would try an informal check for candida. Do some 2-3 cup enemas. (Enema bags aren't too expensive & are at most drug stores, sometimes called douche bags - same thing. They are essential in various types of cleansing & last a long time.)
Add 3-4 tbsp of zapple cider vinegar and/or 3% plain ol' drug store hydroggen peroxide (or alternate those add ins with different enema bags) to about 2-3 cups of filtered water. Use after a bowel movement. Check for things that come out and look like floating, wet, white tissue paper bits, or string cheese looking things, or yellow gel. Sometimes you can might see what looks like brown crusts with mucous or strange dark seaweed looking things. If you see these you need to candida cleanse. The very things that helped you find them - vinegar & h202 - can help kill them in the colon.
Go slowly. Killing candida causes die off and as a student you need to go to school w/o feeling wiped out. After you have been doing the enemas for a few weeks, start slowly adding kefir to your diet.
Once you get some live kefir or kefir grains you never have to buy it again. Just take a tbsp full and put it in milk with at least 2% fat and let is sit about 24 hours to get more.
I personally don't recommend things like
Oleander (or is it oregano oil?) and other things that kill candida because they can cause the candida to morph and I worry about them killing goog bacteria too.
Kefir definitely kills candida and it does it by eating it!
Acidophilus yogurt will also help replace it. You can make your own yogurt too and you should eat some daily to replace any good bacteria lost in enema cleansing.
All that and you may not even have candida!
As far as testing for gluten sensitivty all I know to do is to get testing with a doctor and some of them won't even do it. If you are even at the 1st level (which can be determined in one test) of sensitivity that means your intestinal villi are being mown down & you need to give up wheat & gluten. You don't need them anyway!
Sometimes students can get good, cheap health insurance through their schools?
You didn't ask my opinion on the vegan diet but I hope you won't mind if I give my 2 cents. I used to be vegetarian - though not vegan - because I felt awful about factory farming. But when I got sick and started eating organic meat it helped a lot. Especially in our time when the soils have been depleted of nutrients, I think we need things like eggs (I get range free & organic at Meijer's) which are the perfect protein, & yes, meat.
I like cows. I wish cows well. I feel sorry for cows when I see them on a truck going you know where. But if it's a thousand cows or my health, sorry moo moos.
I'm a human. So are you. We're the apex of creation. My humble opinions.