Re: Effects of long-term antibiotics/steroid use? Treatment?
In regards to fermeneted foods, I have a question (I don't mean to sway from the topic):
I found Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos and Coconut Vinegar at the healthfood store (These are WAY healthier than the Braggs, I'm allergie to apples, so I can't use ACV, which makes this coconut stuff even more awesome, not to mention that coconut is just pure evil against pathogens!)
There is a lot of awesome health benefits in these products. Here is the website:
My question is:
-one of my pathogenic strains is Citrobacter, which thrives on FOS. The vinegar contains FOS, which is vital for the good flora to prosper....but it also would be great fuel for the Citrobacter (and possibly the other strains). If I use the vinegar, would I be doing more harm than good?
Also, do the Aminos contain FOS? How do the Aminos support good bacteria?
I need to support the good guys, but I don't want to give the bad dudes any more fuel than they already have. Any opinion?