Re: Here come the regulations
Hv, thanks for always posting valuable information such as this for us to learn. I completely get it. I also saw that this was crossed post in the personal conflict forum and the poster managed to make it all about you.Wow!
That is Sundragon, who is a Moreless supporter. In fact I am positive that this is the same poster that used to post under the name Justin before getting banned multiple times for the constant personal attacks. He just keeps making up new accounts and new names to come back and make up claims about me. He was even posting his garbage on the comments page of my YouTube videos. Then he tried to claim he was not the same poster as Justin even though he was using the same exact wording in his attacks.
Oh well, there is only a small handful of Moreless supporters that are going to take his serious. I think most people know his M.O. well enough to not take his seriously.
This is actually serious. If the FDA can have this much control over herbs, the prices would be so high that it's almost as expensive as other drugs. What I really enjoy about using herbs is the good price and its high efficacy.
And people don't realize that the more power that is given to the FDA just means even more regulation in the future to the point that the whole alternative medical industry in the U.S. can be regulated out of existence.
I wonder if the big herb companies supporting this have thought this through. For example, if an herb they use gets taken off the market due to an endangered status like lady's slipper was they would have to provide all new safety studies since removing the herb or substituting for it constitutes a change. Or if the FDA decides to ban more herbs commonly used in formulas this would also require all new testing. This can get very expensive very quick for the big companies as well.
And just handing the FDA this power is just going to lead to the FDA gaining more and more power over the industry over time. But unfortunately some people just will not get it until it is too late!