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Thanks for the thorough & earnest reply Unyquity! More!
dar7726 Views: 4,853
Published: 14 y
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Thanks for the thorough & earnest reply Unyquity! More!

Thanks again for replying to my thread! I've been short on time the last day or so but at least wanted you to know how much I appreciated the time and effort it took to reply the way you did! There's a lot there so I'll be digesting :-) it over the next couple of days!

I did want you to know that before the AD's I had been taking tetracycoline (sp?) for Acne off and on for at least 8 years before seeing someone about my depression. I think that is what complicated my situation so much. The gut/brain connection and all that... Then of course there is all of the other Antibiotics for vaginal yeast overgrowth, etc.

What prompted me putting the pieces together was watching a show by Doug Kaufmann author of The Fungus Link, who detailed on the show how candida/fungus could progress. He mentioned IBS, then allergies, then depression...exactly the way it happened in my case. Then instead of getting to the root cause I was told as so many are that my Depression was genetic and that I was like a diabetic who needed insulin and prozac was the solution. Ha!!!!!

Thanks again,



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