Please be sure and read the first one completely, from there you'll be able to easily scan the rest)
And if that's not enough, although initially the GMO experts thought that ascorbic acid (made from corn) might not be GMO, there's now ample evidence showing that every product containing ascorbic acid (that's not specially tested/lablelled - 100% organic or "GMO free") is GMO...and so all the damage done by GMO's is going to happen when ingesting 'simple/harmless' Vitamin C.
If THE most "harmless" of all supplements forces some level of any/all of those unnatural actions in the body, then what about the others? And what happens if they're all mixed together, and taken daily? The one thing we can be sure of is that it/they push the body further away from the natural health, balance, 'homeostasis' and harmony that ensures vibrant, natural health!
The bottom line is, no matter how much our bodies may need various substances, the isolated/fractionated versions of something that was once natural (with dozens or hundreds of different co-factors and phytochemicals removed), are not natural...and they force our bodies (in some way or another) into actions that are not natural in some way or another.
I took Prozac (and Trazadone) for 15 years, and after the initial 'weaning off', I was fine (and more healthy/vibrant than I'd been in years)...but while I was weaning off (and afterwards), I was healing and restoring my body naturally (via cleansing and restoring of all systems, so that my body could control the detoxification - based on what it knew it's organs of detoxification, neutralization and elimination could handle). The only time I got into trouble along the way was with iodine - which forced far too many volatile/poison chemicals out of my tissues and into the bloodstream (there are many other isolated/fractionated substances which can do this - not to mention the synthetics and all the various actions unnaturally forced by them all). Just to be clear (because this is important): as one of the earlier posters on the Iodine forum, I do (very much!) understand our body's need for adequate iodine (and there are situations where I can see myself recommending or using it). But I also know how effectively it detoxifies/chelates, and how few people's bodies are ready to handle it (and I also have read dozens of reports of it triggering adrenal issues, as it did with me). So even though many feel I'm "anti iodine", that's not the whole picture. Here's the picture:
ALL of our bodies (by simply living, eating and breathing on this planet) are 'warehouses full' of very volatile chemicals, metals and other poisons/toxins. Our body must keep our blood at a stable 7.35 pH, or we die (even 1/2 a pH point difference can cause death). So our organs/systems of elimination, neutralization and detoxification are seriously overworked and underpaid ('tis also virtually impossible for even the most nutrient-rich diet to provide anything even close to the amount of natural fuel our bodies require)...and we have been (almost assuredly) substantially compromised & nutrient-deprived since after we were weaned from breast milk. If we were bottle fed and innoculated with "vaccines", our bodies have been overworked and compromised since we were born (and even if we were breast-fed and non-vaccinated, babies today are born with over 200 toxic chemicals in their we had to have more than handful in us when we were born, no matter how old we are now). AND there's the lack of oxygen our bodies must fight against. Back in gradeschool science (in the 70's) we learned that the atmosphere was compromised of 30-35% oxygen. The latest levels I've seen reported are 18% in the country and 12% in the cities. HALF the oxygen we had in the 70's? (what if someone offered me billions of dollars to go to a planet that had half the oxygen my body needed to function normally? I'd pass!). AND we're all functioning with far less intestinal microbiota and various imbalances (especially now that the GMO's we've all ingested seriously & negatively impact gut flora).
So, we "see the light of truth" (or what we think is "truth") and realize we need to get rid of all these poisons in our body...and start doing/taking things that pulls them out of our tissues and into the bloodstream. BUT, our body, in it's wisdom, knew to safely store those volatile poisons/metals in our tissues because our organs of elimination/neutralization/elimination couldn't process, neutralize & eliminate them adequately. It was never a vast amount of poisons/metals at once...just wee-tiny amount everyday from everywhere & everything (plus the pharmaceuticals, amalgams, etc). But just the same, since our systems are totally overworked, underpaid AND compromised due to a serious lack of maintenance, even the tiny 'daily doses' were way too much for our body to effectively handle. Then wham-bam-slam, we research all the 'alternative experts' and decide that we should "detox" and/or "chelate" these toxins...dumping in hundreds/thousands (?) of times more into our bloodstream at once than we've ever had in our bloodstream before. If our bodies couldn't handle the 'daily doses' (because all of our organs/system were clogged, congested and badly in need of maintenance) and had to store even the 'daily doses' in the tissues, how in the WORLD is our body going to handle it when we dump in vast amounts via detoxification/chelation? can't. And if we're ingesting handfuls of various 'supplements', all that force our body into some type of unnatural action or response before the supplements can be utilized beneficially? Then 'it can't' even more. Is there an "And, worse yet!"? Yes there is...because when we dump weeks/months worth of volatile poisons & metals into the bloodstream where the already overworked, underfueled and congested organs are left to deal with it, we cause even MORE compromise to each one of those organs/systems. And what happens to all those poisons/metals that the organs can't eliminate? They go right back into the tissues, and then we continue chelating/detoxing again...and again...and again...and...???
Hence, we continue to have issues (and develop new issues). Let's see, we go to MD's and utilize allopathic-scientific reasoning and end up taking all kinds of meds, without getting better (while developing new issues). OR we go to 'ND's' and utilize alternative-scientific reasoning and end up taking all kinds of supplements, without getting better (while developing new issues). Neither is natural to our bodies...but both manage to sell 'billions of dollars worth' annually, keep the MDs/NDs (and all the various authors & experts) in the profit zone.
What do I suggest (not knowing the specific of your issues):
Earthing - sleep on a sheet-pad nightly, and 'barefooting' outside whenever possible (with natural fiber socks when it's cold) Check out the book excerpt & videos here I've never heard of anyone that used an Earthing sheet/pad nightly that didn't have VAST improvements in sleep. Once you've read the entire book, you'll know how INTEGRAL Earthing is to our health (eliminating a vast majority of 'dirty electricity' while uptaking the negative electrons for which our body is starving).
Cleansing & restoring - there's a reason all the successful healers agree on the same 'order of cleansing' (always colon/parasites first, then liver & kidneys along with skin, lymph thrown in along side them all). So at the very minimum a 30 day colon cleanse (with IF#2, IF#1 if needed), kidney cleansing and liver cleansing. You can find very good information about all these in the FAQs here:~!~ Compilation ALL "Working FAQ" posts & thread
Just like any machine/car, our bodies (that haven't been maintained properly for all of our life) need a complete & thorough 'overhaul' then regular maintenance (short/quickie cleanses & attention) several times yearly. If we're going to safely & effectively rid ourselves of a lifetime of volatile poisons stored in our tissues, we HAVE to ensure all the systems/organs that do this are in the PEAK working condition!
Fuel (nutrition) - we certainly can't expect our overworked/comprised and 'underpaid' organs to work if they're not getting enough of the correct fuel they need. Superfood (4T minimum daily) SuperFood by Dr. Schulze , bee pollen (working up to 4T daily) plus at least a quart of freshly juiced-juice should be our minimum goal (while eliminating all things that are toxic, or cause our body excess work/labor to utilize, i.e. meat & dairy).
Detoxification - while doing all the maintenance, many people do have a need to eliminate (at least partially), some amount of the poisons/metals. And this is where substances that adsorb (with a D) not absorb (with a B) come into play. Both bentonite clay and activated charcoal (in the IF#2 in small amounts), adsorb metals & poisons - but not natural nutrients. Adsorption is an 'electro-magnetic' "pulling to itself" (where absorbing is like a sponge). Bentonite/charcoal in the intestines will pull metals/chemicals through the walls of the intestines to be safely flushed down the toilet (rather than released into the bloodstream). Options: adding more activated charcoal to the IF#2; activated charcoal slurries; activated charcoal poultices (awesome over the liver/kidneys when doing things that cause the body to release toxins into the bloodstream - like juice-fasting, saunas, other); bentonite poultices or baths. And of course, coffee enemas (which, while retained, increase the GST action by 500-700%).
Symptom support - while building the foundation of health via cleansing & decongesting, sometimes we still need 'symptom relief' or support. For sleep, there's nothing more effective than Lady's Slipper tincture. It's a pricey herb, but it's amazingly effective.
Also (I forgot to add this above) - parasites are notorious for causing all variety of sleep and "CNS" issues - here's a great thread I recently found that covers many of the reasons why this is:
In summation: our natural bodies have been seriously compromised by living, eating & breathing in a VERY unnatural world for all of our lives...without adequate nutrition/fuel. Our body has no time/energy for dealing with 'broken parts' (even though it has the ability to repair itself from anything & everything) - it must prioritize the life/death issue of keeping the bloodstream at a stable 7.35 pH. And it's doing so with organs/systems that are compromised, congested and lacking even the most basic support from us in the way of thorough maintenance & cleansing. Our body places the toxins out of the bloodstream because it can NOT handle them. (how ingenious is that!?) We force the same poisons/metals back into the bloodstream (in larger quantities by way of detox/chelation) before ensuring our body CAN handle them (how ingenious isn't that!?) while throwing all kinds of supplements & substances that are totally unnatural to the body into the. That's allopathic-science thinking, or some other kind of thinking that's certainly not logical OR natural.
Natural body + Logical thinking + Natural foods, juices, herbs + Regular maintenance = Natural Healing.
'Hope this all helped you along your healing pathways!