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Cedar Berries - Dr. Schulze + juicing and importance of raw, whole foods, etc. Re: Eastern red cedar berry?
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Cedar Berries - Dr. Schulze + juicing and importance of raw, whole foods, etc. Re: Eastern red cedar berry?


From Here:

Cedar berries and blood sugar.

Interviewer: Dr. Christopher always mentioned that cedar berry would help the pancreas, but is that true, or only for a few people?

SCHULZE: It's a Dr. Christopher original only. I have talked with people worldwide and nobody else does that. Now Dr. Christopher swore by it. I won't argue against his case histories.

My own feeling is that the pancreas is an endocrine organ like the liver, and any organ can wear out. Usually, when the endocrine organs aren't working well, it's a sign of whole endocrine system dysfunction.

To simplify this a little bit, I've never seen anyone with diabetes who wasn't living a horrifying life-style eating program. I don't meet people with diabetes who are vegetarian that don't drink Coca-Cola. I was in a video store last night and I had my son Arthur in my hands and there was a lady with a 2-year-old kid, and she was pouring Pepsi into his bottle.

Interviewer: A 2-year-old kid with Pepsi!

SCHULZE: Yea, you know what I'm saying? You can't live like this, and then go looking for an herb to control diabetes.

When it comes to children, or adults too, if they are going to consume fruit juice, they dilute it. Easy on the fruit juices. I always find that diabetics who come to me they are Sugar addicts, they are eating sweets, they are drinking a little Coca-cola, and so on. I've never had a diabetic come to me on insulin that was living a healthy life, ever.

There are pancreatic types, people predisposed for that pancreas to self-destruct. You have an unhealthy diet, and it self-destructs. Then you get termed a diabetic. And what it is, is that's just your weak organ.

Interviewer: They don't need to do anything for that organ, do they?

SCHULZE: I've never had to do anything special. I've played with a lot of diabetic or blood-sugar herbs. But my feeling is that the whole program did more than the herbs. You know, Dr. Christopher used the cedar berries, but that was his icing on the cake of the program.

Interviewer: I'm sure the way they promote it now is, "Forget the program, take the cedar berries."

SCHULZE: Absolutely. I use a few different herbs here that I played with, but to be quite honest, my feeling is that everybody likes to talk about an herb that is good for regulating blood-sugar. My feeling is the best thing to regulate blood-sugar is don't drink Coca-Cola. There's too much Sugar in all that stuff, and it runs down the pancreas.

Most of these people who come to me... well, everybody wants to skip the work.

But I've seen many people turn themselves around with diabetes. Again, the real key is to stop eating sugar, because your pancreas is getting worn out.

Get into more raw food. Your pancreas has to make a lot of enzymes when you eat cooked food. Anybody who's diabetic really needs to move onto raw foods and get away from cooked foods. And, of course, that's the incurables program.


Be sure to watch the Dr. Scnulze video 5

From 36 minutes Juice Flushing Dilute Jiuce 50-50 with water. It is like an oil change
Vegan Diet, Whole plant foods, Enzymes, Minimum of 128 oz of total liquids, juice, water, and herbal teas

41:55 minutes Blood Sugar, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, etc.

FAQ] Diabetes -- Blood Sugar -- Insulin Resistance (Links Page)



Inability of the pancreas to metabolize carbohydrates due to excessive use of concentrated starches and sugars in the diet.

Insulin is an enzyme produced by the pancreas, which controls the amount of sugar in the blood. Injections of insulin are sometimes needed by person's with diabetes.

Everytime you eat any food that is cooked or heated, it is void of enzymes and your pancreas will create enzymes including insulin.


Attention. ASSIMILATION of foods & juices. Required Reading!!

Re: Attention. ASSIMILATION of foods & juices. Required Reading!!

Chew your JUICES! :) Re: Attention. ASSIMILATION of foods & juices. Required Reading!!


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