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Re: Low Functioning GB-Soon to be removed
jessikat3184 Views: 8,963
Published: 14 y
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Re: Low Functioning GB-Soon to be removed

I am going to pick up some Epsom Salt today. I agree about the narcotic pain killers. Actually, when my attack was at it's worst, the narcotic pain killers they gave me didn't help, as if I'd just taken a Sugar pill. My surgeon appointment isn't until Oct. 24th, so I've definitly got to find something to do before then to keep this managable. I will let you know how the Epsom Salt works for me. I'm hoping it makes it better. I actually wish I had some right now, or last night would have even been better. I really appreciate all your advice. You don't know how much it means to me to be in touch with someone who knows how it is. It is such a relief. Yesterday morning, I thought it was going to be another ER day, I ended up throwing up yesterday morning before work. But, it was such a busy day at work, that I knew I didn't need to be out. So, I sucked it up and went on in. I was able to come home and take a pill for nausea and end up going to sleep. So, today after work, I'm going to Walgreens to pick up my perscription and some Epsom Salt, come home and fix me a hot Epsom Salt bath. :)


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