Re: Perhaps some good news and some suggestions
You are quite welcome Bill.
No, you cannot use the contents of the oral capsules sublingually. The way they are made, it pretty much takes the digestive system to dissolve them thoroughly and get them into your bloodstream. I am not sure why a minority of folks have problems with oral ingestion, but that is the case. Most of the people I know who take oleander orally have not had much if any problems acclimating (though in some instances they have to start very small - say 1/4 of a capsule and work their way up), but there are some who have problems. For example, I can jump right in with a couple of capsules twice a day and have no more than loose stools for the first day or two. Luella on the other hand has quite the difficulty going beyond a single capsule.
I suggest going the liquid route - and I have a few newly arrived bottles of liquid SOPC on hand in case you are interested. Not trying to sell you, as I much prefer people order through the official sales sites - but I do try to keep some SOPC on hand for those who need faster delivery than the 10-14 days or so it takes to ship from South Africa or who either cannot or will not order online, and right now I have a good supply of the new more concentrated liquid version that costs less due to the smaller bottle being far less expensive to ship.
For the very best results with nebulizing, use 5 parts colloidal silver and 1 part each of lobelia and mullein extracts. Even better, also take the excellent Chinese herbal formula Clear Lungs Extra Strength. And be prepared for a lot of gunk to come up and out.