Based on your old postings I would say start with the liverflush as long as you don't have constipation.The Liver-Flush also clears parasites out, the Clarkia you can do much later if you feel you need to.
Most people start with the simple Clark flush. A few adjustments are (based on experience of posters and other protocols): Drink organic applejuice several days before the flush, the malic acid in apples soften stones. Instead you can also use applecidervinegar from the healthfood store and put 4 tbs in a quart of water a day and drink it between meals. Or buy malic acid supplements (no other ingredients) and take 2000 mg a day.
You only need the olive oil (see under cleanses and follow the directions), 1 or 2 grapefruits (or lemons) and Epsom Salts .
Make sure to drink water after 2 pm up till 20 min before ES and again after 20 min.of taking ES to avoid dehydration and/or nausea.