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On a different note, nerve pain/chronic headache
sam7777 Views: 2,276
Published: 14 y
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On a different note, nerve pain/chronic headache

I have had now since about September 1st, a constant headache in my lower temple that feels almost like a tugging pulling sensation of the nerve/tendons in that spot, and also a painful spot in my shoulder. So I am thinking I aggravated a nerve with toting a heavy backpack.

The thing is, this headache will go away, and the moment I look at a computer screen, or spend too much time out in the bright sun, it will come back pretty severely, almost suddenly and instantly.

Eventually this headache gets severe and spreads to be in between my eyes sort of, and it becomes extremely hard to concentrate and think, like part of my brain is turned off. Basically since September 1st I have thought especially during the day time, that my brain was almost totally useless, I barely remember conversations, or where I have been, or what I am doing, I am almost detached from reality my fatigue and brain fog are so intense.

I do not think it is just adrenal fatigue. Granted these symptoms tend to abate towards the night, if I was not too stressed in the day, just the same as always with my AF. I have been so sick for so long, but it was never so severe as the last 6 weeks, or so scary.

My mind is already pretty mentally shot, and I guess among other chronic issues I basically have adrenal fatigue.

But given that so much of my family has epilepsy, I am thinking I may have epilepsy and this is it somehow displaying symptoms.


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