Re: More proof HV supports the medical/pharmaceutical industry
"liver flushing" does not really work,"
Wow! The nerve of these people...
Then why have in all these years the "liver flush" supporters failed to come up with even one single shred of REAL evidence to show "liver flushing" is legitimate? I have posted all sorts of evidence that it is quackery and the "liver flush" supporters have failed to counter even one piece of evidence with real evidence of their own. Even some of the former "liver flush" supporters wised up after having their green blobs analyzed and found out they were nothing more than saponified olive oil (soap stones) produced by the flush. And other former "liver flush" supporters also proved to themselves that these so-called "stones" were formed from the flush ingredients when dyed olive oil ended up in specks within the so-called "stones". Since the dyed olive oil NEVER reaches the liver or gallbladder, and real gallstones are impervious to the dye this proved beyond any doubt that these so-called "stones" were formed in the intestines using the "flush" ingredients. And therefore WERE NOT gallstones or liver stones.
Pro-pharma Pro-dogma Pro-institutionalization Pro-slavery Pro-sheep mentality
and....Anti-liver flush. Why am I not surprised?
Right on cue the "liver flushers" are making up lies about me AGAIN, and their buddies clicking "agree" because I have completely discredited their "liver flush" religion with REAL evidence!!!
And once again the moderator is doing nothing about the constant barrage of personal attacks in violation of TOS and ignoring the statement at the top of the forum that CLEARLY states:
"Challenge the message and not the messenger!
The first person to resort to name calling and personal attacks will be banned from this forum!"