Re: Sharing Update
I tried Homeopathy a few times. I took some when I had my mercury fillings problem there.
However, when I took them to try to work on my adrenal fatigue symptoms, they made me feel great for a I was cured. Then I crashed big time.
Homeopathy is a form of energy medicine, much like accupuncture. The original ingredient is diluted so many times that there is essentially nothing left, but the original energy vibrations. A lab can not measure what is left.
The more they dilute it, the stronger the energy becomes.
I'm convinced it is real, because I felt dramatic results. However, I think the instructions it provided was for my tired adrenals to get off their ass and get to work. So of like beating a dead horse. I think it just wore my adrenals out even more.
I truely hope this does not happen to you. I think it depends a lot on the remedy.
Same for accupuncture. People here have mentioned before that the crashed when the accuuncturist focused on giving them more energy. Same thing. Beating a dead horse.