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another fasting continue or not?
katiekaz Views: 1,371
Published: 14 y

another fasting continue or not?

Hello everyone!so, I "finished" my 21 day fast today and I have lost 23 pounds....
I am at 113 lbs at the moment...the thing is I am not ready to end my fasting...I feel great and I am still healing, my ears have been hurting for a while and I am not in true hunger yet, let alone my tongue is all white and stinky still...:(((( I would love to go up to 35 days, but I do have one question for all you wonderful fasters....can I take it?

I mean how much more weight will I lose in another 2 weeks fasting, do I have enough fat stored away? I know it sounds crazy, but I worry a little bit....I've never been lower that 100 lbs in my life!!!I am pretty petite but still!!!I really really love fasting...have I mentioned that?lol

thanks everybody guys



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