Some of it looks like the classic ringworm, others kinda like hives. Do you have any indian markets around you? If so, go and get a bottle of the neem oil. Then go to the health food store and get a bottle of oregano oil, and a small bottle of Bonner's castile soap. Pick up an empty travel bottle and put a dropperful each of neem and oregano oil in the empty bottle and then fill up the rest of the way with Bonner's soap. Bathe your chest with that twice a day. Then if you can stand it, maybe a drop of neem and oregano oil on each of the spots after you bathe. The neem oil smells really vile and if you can't stand it, I don't blame you!! If so, then just rub a drop or two of the oregano oil on each spot after bathing. When my daughter had the ringworm on her shoulder, we cleared it up by washing it in neem soap twice a day and then putting a drop of oregano oil on it and covering it with a bandage. I had Nature's Answer oregano oil. It was diluted enough that it didn't burn. But it did the trick and cleared up the rash.