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Re: HELP! Can Anyone Identify these Creatures for Me?
shroom Views: 2,718
Published: 14 y
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Re: HELP! Can Anyone Identify these Creatures for Me?

Hi Rex.
I understand your frustration, I too have a similar parasite.
I cannot identify it, nor can most of the experts who are well aware of this.
Some speculate it is nano related.
I personally thought they were fungal, but nothing seems to fit the profile exactly.
Other's say C. Pulmorni{sp?}, but I doubt this as well.
It really attacks the scalp in most people.
I have my own collection of studies on it on my website at:
check the images files under scalp fibres.
There is likely other parasites as well, causing your system to be weakened.
There are a bunch of "unknown" parasites coming on the scene. Your not alone that is for sure.
As for medication, it is tricky. Albendazole could be effective.


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