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pynegj Views: 2,271
Published: 14 y


Could some of you wise people advise me how you would cleanse if your adrenals are weak?

I am in a dilema because I have had liver congestion for a few years now which Im sure is contributing to my chemical allergies. This in turn is putting a BIG strain on my adrenals (chemicals mainly). BUT if I try to cleanse the liver I can stir up trouble for my already weak adrenals! Its a big no no right to cleanse when adrenals are weak??

I have 4 electrolyte lows on the hair analysis by the way! This means I have to avoid vitamin c, Vitamin B both of which help with allergies but are too stimulating according to Dr wilson.

Ive heard an argument that says strengthen the adrenals and they will slowly detoxify the body

What does one do in this case??





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