The sensation of a sweet taste causes the body to store blood glucose in anticipation of more glucose coming into the body. This leads to low blood sugar, hypoglycemia, which then sets into a motion other body responses. Hypoglycemia can suppress the immune system of the gut, affect hormones, the adrenals, and the nervous system. The main affect that is best to avoid is immune system suppression, as this facilitates candida growth.
How one measures success on the Plan may not necessarily reflect true effectiveness. If you reduce toxicity and inflammation and create other changes to a certain degree, you may see improvement of symptoms, but not elimination of the underlying causes. Eating bread can feed candida, as bread is a simple carbohydrate regardless of the source. Nuts are high in fungus and can lead to excess mucous production which will act like a biofilm for candida. Nut butters can produce the same type of result. Excess mucous can create a lot of congestion within the body and this may contribute to constipation, acne and other problems associated with congestion. Stevia can initiate the CPIR mentioned above and all that goes with it.
Sweetners have lowered my blood sugar in the past.