Nasa/Noaa disinformation for the kids.'s useful for their silly goose
parents as well.
..the nifty "Cloudchart". Identify all those clouds
you see..waaay up there.
Check out the "Contrails that make clouds" pictures
on page one. You see, Jimmy, contrails spread out into
huge sheets and clouds..because that's what contrails do.
Now, the next time someone says "chemtrails", just show
them the Page of True
Science from NASA/NOAA and laugh
at the silly gooses. Some people are just plain stupid.
**reminder: "control key + scroll" to make it as
BIG as you you can study the contrail pictures
in detail, and cleanse your mind of silly superstitious nonsense.
*have heard that the cloud chart is a new [2010] product
for the kiddies.
Have not been able to confirm this date yet.
The NEW NASA..because it's not about space exploration anymore. over it.