It IS Like Peeling an Onion ... layer 9
As always, this one was remarkably different:
I did this one Saturday night, since I had to work 4 hrs on Saturday morning.
Mostly ate fruit all week, took my Homozon/1teaspoon in water followed by a cup of water w/fresh lemon. I'm using Barefoot's de-wormer for parasites, and his oregano oil and olive leaf ... these aid in
parasite and fungal destruction, and help alleviate healing crisis. I use these products: 1 drop of oregano oil, 5-6 drops of olive leaf in 1Tablespoon of olive oil in the morning, I use w/flax seed oil at night.
Saturday breakfast was fruit, all I wanted. For lunch I had oatmeal w/only
Sea Salt and sweetened w/pear juice.
ES @ the recommended 6 & 8pm
EVOO/GJ @ 10pm, went to bed immediately.
Potty breaks started in the middle of the night/3am, and I was up at least every 30 mins all night long. I didn't see any stones until after my 3rd ES.
Being up so much, I didn't take the 3rd dose until I felt like getting up at 8:30ish and then again at 10:30ish.
I'm no longer trying to keep count of every little stone, but this flush was very prolific, easly over 100 stones that were at least 1/4" in diameter, around 20 that were 1/2". The stone colors were different than anything I'd seen to date, more of a pale olive rather than the pea green and light tan ones. Not nearly as much chaff was evident this time, it was golden tan colored.
I broke my fast with a large glass of 1/2 water, 1/2 pear juice with a gentle sprinkle of
Sea Salt about noon, then a pint of
Watermelon pieces all afternoon. I feel great!
The 2 major things that were different:
1. It's 9pm and I'm thinking I'll have to make a potty run before I finish typing this! I've never had buttpea past about 4pm.
2. Either my 1st or 2nd flush set my bottom on fire!!! I'm talking bring tears to your eyes kinda burning. After that one, I haven't felt like I needed to use anything to stop the burning until today. A cold wash rag sure did feel good many times throughout today!!!
It has been 5 weeks since my last flush, the grandson's baseball tourney schedule delayed it (it felt good to have the option of waiting!!) After flush 8 I was pain free for the first time since I don't know when! I only have a tiny bit of that usual soreness from the liver workout of last night.
I'm considering waiting 6 weeks until the next one.
What benefits do I see from 9 liver flushes?
I was in constant pain from the tip of my breast bone to the right side of my spine, that is totally gone.
I wasn't digesting hardly anything I ate, the evidence was in the pot! That has totally changed.
Since in my 20s, I woke up every morning stiff and achy. I felt like I lived in an old woman's body. Now, I wake up ready to take on the day!! Pretty cool for 52!!
Not being able to eat fat, my skin on my legs and feet looked like alligator skin, that has greatly improved. The last month of taking the plant oil w/oregano and olive leaf are giving even more headway in this.
In my 30s, I developed large pores on my face and had 100s of large blackheads along my cheekbones. Today, the skin there looks like a procelain baby doll. I have very few very tiny blackheads left, there are still some medium size pores on my nose and along both sides of my nose.
The bottoms of my feet looked totally callused for as long as i can remember. There have been times that they dried out so badly that they cracked and bled. Today, I look like I have real skin on my feet.
What have I done besides
flush my liver 9 times?
Changed my diet:
no white flour, no
White Sugar , NOTHING fried, very little that is processed and if it is, it's organic. I'm going more and more toward fruitarian.
Taking plant fats to get my omega 3s and 6s.
Changed my sleep habits:
from sleeping 4-5 hrs, going to bed at 1,2,3am to being asleep before 11pm these days and getting up before 6:30am.
Dry skin brushing:
this is amazing! The skin starts to crave it. If you haven't tried it, get a veggie brush tomorrow and just do it!