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Re: Cushings Disease and Colloidal Silver

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samhod Views: 9,016
Published: 14 y
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Re: Cushings Disease and Colloidal Silver

i'm in the thick of trying to get my dog to turn around from Cushing's (he almost died last weekend, he's wasted away following vets advice until I finally took charge myself, full of regret). Anyway, google 'colloidal silver' and 'tumors' (since Cushing's is a result of either malignant/non malig tumor in adrenals or brain) and you will find a fair amount.
Per one anecdotal story of a dog full of tumors and given one week to live whose owners gave him silver as DRINKING WATER (!) who then went on to live a few years before story teller lost track of family, I started the same and have seen my dog start to turn around. He wasn't walking last week, and now he is, also improved energy (couldn't lift head off pillow, now getting down off couch). It's only been a week, and pls understand he is extremely fragile, but I can see the results nonetheless. I'm using hydrosol silver which, whether I have it right or not, I was told is a smaller particle so has less toxicity problems (not that colloidal has them either tho) but is able to penetrate even deeper. His base weight is only 8lbs and he's drank a stinkn' gallon in one week without any ill effects. I'm watching for nausea tho as hydrosol is powerful and any 'die off' 'healing' reactions can cause this, but all he wants is more and is doing well so will continue to gage. Getting mine from a mom and pop website based in MN, nice people who sell it by gallon. Also giving adya clarity, a brand of mineral supp with zeolite and fulvic acids that has worked extremely well on myself for heavy metal detox -- I used other brands but this one has a kick that was very extreme that I couldn't find elsewhere, and am using it on my dog because the cushing's set in after he was over vaccinated, so I'm also hoping this will help clear him out. Clay I hear also works very well at pulling the toxins out, but my dog has been constipated which is a contra indication for using clay. The zeolite/fulvic/humic acids tho I can add to his silver drinking water. Also following another post suggesting lugol's iodine since hormones need iodine and cushing's produces them in excess and i figure he'll need supplemental help of iodine.
All The Best!


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