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Re: Cushings Disease and Colloidal Silver
trapper/kcmo Views: 9,350
Published: 17 y
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Re: Cushings Disease and Colloidal Silver

i have never seen a dog or cat fail to respond positively to treatment with colloidal silver. as steve has pointed out(you can trust his testimony completely), silver has an uncanny ability in these fellow creatures with no possibility of a placebo effect.

now after looking at chushings and its cause, i would do something else as well. i would get a high quality oil like organic virgin coconut oil mixed with hemp seed oil and iodinate that and pour it on the food. put the silver in the water.

all i can say about silver is that it is very healing and corrective of genetic problems and tissue damage. the iodine will address specific problems of hormone balancing, cyst dissolving and cancer suppresion - all things involved in the various causes of cushings.

to iodinate oil, put six drops of lugols iodine in one ounce of oil and shake well. pour on dry food or mix into wet or canned food. one ounce for up to 25 pounds, two ounces for a fifty pound dog. do this once a day. make the silver available in the water all the time.



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