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Re: Best Herbs for Cancer
Hveragerthi Views: 3,020
Published: 14 y
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Re: Best Herbs for Cancer

 This is very wonderful. I published a book today on Successful Treatment for Cancer Islamically

That is great news Sara, congratulations.

and I can add these in the book for sure with your name mentioned. I had read about lipolic acid, selenium and milk thistle? What do you think? Are they worth buying?

Selenium is good for cancer, but you have to be careful with dosage.  I do recommend it for cancer though.

Alpha lipoic acid can help bind and remove free iron making it beneficial in that way and as an antioxidant.  ALA is the only other substance that I am aware of other than chaparral's NDGA that can function as an antioxidant in both the lipid and the water portions of the cell.  If I had to choose between ALA or chaparral though I would definitely choose chaparral since it provides many more benefits.

Milk thistle is a good choice if you are trying to protect the liver from the damaging effects of chemotherapy or need to aid in liver regeneration.  As far as for the treatment of cancer though I can think of a lot of other herbs that I would go with over milk thistle.  Turmeric for example is just as effective as milk thistle seed in protecting the liver and is a much stronger antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent  than milk thistle seed. 



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