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Re: Best Herbs for Cancer
Hveragerthi Views: 2,971
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Re: Best Herbs for Cancer

 Hi James: I am writing a book on Islamic Cures for cancer and trying to finalize the last pages. What do you feel are the best herbs for cancer?

I have listed several I feel cures cancer, but want to make sure I have not missed any. Also as far as curcumin goes today Mercola said to put a quart of water to boil and add in 1 tablespoon of curcumin powder and boil this water and drink within 4 hours. He stated the color may be permanent.

Being I do not want yellow-orange teeth and mouth, I have added in a small portion of basmati rice and cooked the rice in the spice as many of the Japanese people do, but not so strong. I do not have cancer but, it good for inflammation and I am still battling this foot problem and horrible pain.

I would appreciate any input you have.

As always


Hi Sara,

Yes, turmeric, from which curcumin is derived is excellent for cancer.  But curcumin is poorly absorbed.

Chaparral is one of my first choices as far as herbs for cancer.  Chaparral inhibits the cellular division of cancer cells as well as supports the immune system.  It is also a full range antimicrobial, which is important as most cancers have microbial origins.  And chaparral is the strongest natural blood cleanser and antioxidant that is available.   Chaparral also supports the immune system by strengthening the adrenals.  I use chaparral primarily for tissue cancers.

Pau d' arco is more effective for blood and lymphatic cancers (lymphomas, leukemias, polycythemia vera, etc.), most of which again have been found to have viral origins.  Pau d' arco contains 18 antivirals.  The antiviral activity is enhanced though by the presence of sulfur compounds, which chaparral happens to provide.  Therefore I generally combine chaparral with the pau d' arco for lymphatic and blood cancers anyway.

Andrographis also has strong antimicrobial properties and also works especially well for lymphatic and blood cancers.  Andrographis also helps to support the immune system.

I like the herb suma for cancer due to its very high organic germanium levels, which is antitumor.  Suma also helps to keep hormones in check and boosts the immune system by supporting the adrenals.

Nettle leaf blocks the glucose-lactic acid cycle helping to starve cancer cells, and supports immunity by boosting the adrenals.

Ashwagandha boosts the immune system and is a natural angiogenesis inhibitor.

Dulse is the most anti-cancer of the seaweeds as it is a great antiviral, and boosts the immune system by increasing white blood cell activity.

Chagas are excellent due to the highly antiviral betulinic acid and immune stimulating polysaccharides.

I could go on and on with the different herbs that can be used to fight cancer through a variety of mechanisms.  Even some real obscure ones that most people have never heard of such as snow plant and coral bells (pine drops), which I run across occasionally when hiking in the mountains.  These are some of the most effective plants for cancer, but also happen to be protected plants.  Anyway, I have many of the herbs for cancer listed on my cancer write up:

I am actually working on a book right now on alternative cancer therapies that will include a section of specific herbs for cancer and their effects.  Something to keep in mind though about cancer though is that it has many aspects to it that must be addressed and many flaws that can be targeted to destroy it.  Targeting as many of its weak points as possible greatly increases the chances of success and therefore formulations are better than individual herbs.  The chemistry of the herbs must be taken in to consideration though since herbs can either work synergistically or herbs can negate each others effects.  So making a formulation is not as simple as throwing a bunch of herbs together because they all have effects one is looking for.



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