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Newbie here with a couple of questions!
tustarr Views: 1,060
Published: 14 y

Newbie here with a couple of questions!

Hi everyone! I'm new here : ) I am nearing the end of day 2 of my water fast, I know- not too impressive! I have fasted before, the longest being a 14 day "colon cleanse" fast years ago. Within the past 2 months I have done a 7 day restrictive fresh juice fast and have done some intermittent fasting.

In the past two years I have slowly put about 10-15 pounds (my weight used to be pretty consistent before now). I am vegan (6 years) and eat a pretty healthy diet, my problem is I have just been eating a little too much (especially vegan treats!) and not exercising due to traveling/crazy summer schedule- so my weight has snuck up. My weight is 140lbs, I am 5'4, and in my 20's. I am doing a water only fast this time and would like to go for 21 days. My goal is not only weight loss, it is also to help break some newer bad eating habits, and learn to again to truly appreciate whole food.

I have a question since this is my first water only fast. For weight loss- is water only fasting better then fresh juice fasting (if drinking about 24oz juice a day)? I read somewhere that juice fasting may actually help you loose more weight because it helps keep your body from dropping its metabolism as much (I am skeptical). Is this true? Also, how much weight have others with similar stats lost on a water only fast in about 21 days? I would like to have realistic expectations. So far I feel like I have lost mainly water weight.

I am feeling really excited and hopeful that this fast is going to give me that extra edge I need to get back to my old "normal". Please feel free to give any advice or feedback! Thanks!


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