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Re: Rickettsia and Chlymadia
charlpienaar Views: 7,841
Published: 14 y
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Re: Rickettsia and Chlymadia

I started getting these pains in August 2011 after I had malaria twice. I get these intermittent paroxysms of headache, with radiation into the lower back and upper thigh. These headaches might disappear for a month or two and then it hits me. It starts as a pounding headache with a whooshing sound in my ears, going on to a pumping sensation in the back of my scull and feels like an increase in pressure in my scull. The moment that happens, the pain starts in the upper thigh muscle, a stabbing pain and usually a pain in the middle of my lower back. There is a “pulling” of the left eye, although without definite diplopia. The pain is only there for 10 minutes max and then goes away completely for an hour and comes back, intermittently for up to 6 hours (Sometimes only for an hour). During the headache I have this dull feeling in my head and at times the pain can be so intense that I can’t focus, I can see images but it’s a tad blurry and it’s like I can see words but can’t read them. It happens to me quite often at night when I go to sleep. . I can predict it will happen due to a tension or increase in pressure in the back of my scull, like the muscle in my upper neck stiffens and the area in the base of my scull. It now might happen early in the mornings, during the day and at times while I sleep. Hot baths helps allot and alleviates the pain all over. After such an episode I feel drained and a bit tired and the muscles in my back, shoulder blades. When I started getting it, it was only at night, now it’s any time of the day. At one point I thought it was stress related but there’s no pattern to indicate that it is stress. I have been told it might be rickettsias for which I tested positive by Dr Jadin. I don’t have any of the other symptoms ascribed to rickettsias. I feel a tad bit fatigued every now and then but not so that I noticed. I never had lesions or skin issues or any other symptom except for this pain. I was tested positive for two rickettsias – mooseri and conori; Mycoplasma, Chlamydia pneumonia and H. Pylori.


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