These problems are not really parasites-- they are chronic bacterial infections. Did you actually Rocky-Mountain spotted fever or something similar at one point in your life?
Anti-biotics is the standard treatment for Chlymadia. However, when these diseases go into their chronic phase alleopathic diseases don't work very well for them-- at least from what I have learned.
Chlymadia and Rickettsia set up biofilms which are pretty much impenetrable to most anti-biotics. So if you have had these infections for a long time it will be very hard to get rid of them using standard meds. Not only that, but everytime you use an anti-biotic these bacteria tend to mutate into cell-wall deficient forms and can become even more assiduous in the long run.
The anti-biotic therapy is definitely something to consider as a last resort, but first I would recommend you consult Dr. Bob Marshall on these problems. I believe you can get his contact info from
http://www.healthline.cc (this is the website of his radio show-- there should be numbers there) He is a member of the tropical medical society, but he is also very studied in the art of removing chronic infection and biofilms. His specialty is getting rid of chronic infections.
If you don't rebalance your tissue pH and your mineral reserves your body isn't going to be able to permanently remove these conditions. The body simply cannot mount the proper attack until the acid load is decreased.
One other approach than Dr. Marshall is Enderlein's remedies. All of these remedies are created to eliminate or reduce pathological forms of infections back to their harmless state. This link will inform you about the Sanum remedies and Enderlein's approach:
There are options out there... I gave you the best I can offer. Most alternative medicines and treatments for chronic infection are a dead end unless you can fix the internal terrain as well as the infection. I would venture to say that a good portion of alternative physicians do not understand how to fix the terrain. Many take an alleopathic symptomatic approach to natural medicine.
Just because you have had bad experiences doesn't mean that all natural medicine is hopeless. There is hope. People go through the same cycle of hopelessness with alleopathic medicine. Unfortunately, alleopathic medicine doesn't have a concept of health built into it, only disease.
Good luck with your quest.