Hello all,
Through metamatrix testing, they have found that i was +4 for yeast ( No taxonomy available)., so my docotr has prescribed nystain and diflucan. Did the nystatin that helped just a little, now i am on diflucan for about the last month, and i feel totally like crap. Fog, drunk feeling which i guess is my liver over loaded. And i have so much pain in my lower abdomen just slightly above to either side of my penis its driving me insane.
I had alot of mold on a ceiling in my bathroom that a showered in for a long time before i tore it out several years ago. I am just wonder, if that mold can be in my body, is it possible this is what metamatrix saw ? Or do you think the mold suppresed my immune system enough to let the candida take over and this iswhat metamatrx saw ?
Any thoughts
How do you kill mold in your body, the same way as yeast ?