Re: Not really. Just trying to avoid pancreatitis.
You are very welcome, I'll be more than glad to help anytime. Just be sure you understand that I am NOT a doctor and anything I tell you I do and if you do it, it is done at your risk cuz nothing I do is according to medical protocol and don't get me started on my experience with doctors cuz I don't have a high regard for most of them. I have met two in almost 57 years of completed life that I actually believe ARE doctors and should have the distinction.
Will you ever get well?
Couldn't tell you.
It is up to you and God.
I am fairly well. In fact I have been pretty much pain free, with only one series of acute pancreatitis attacks (lasted for 12 days and I was sick for 3 weeks? maybe more) in the last 16 years since developing what I call my regimen and adhereing to it.
Most people simply do not want to do what it takes to live.
My lifestyle is easy for me. I just think of the pain I used to endure and ask myself:
"Do I want to go back?"
The answer is ALWAYS "No Way!"
I almost break out in a cold sweat just thinking about having another acute pancreatitis episode.
I do NOT believe I am that much different than anyone else. Sure we all are unique but when it comes to a condition/disease like Pancreatitis I think we are all pretty much alike. Some may have way more damage, some may have less but the primary cause of pancreatic tissue destruction is inflammation. If you can resolve that you have the war pretty much won.
Now, the reason for the inflammation may be different and should also be addressed as well. If the underlying reason or cause isn't addressed then you'll always be fighting the inflammation no matter what ...
So if alcohol is the issue one MUST quit drinking, hell, you have to quit drinking whether the underlying cause was excessive alcohol consumption, gallstones, trauma, high blood fats, autoimmune disease or toxins (prescritption drugs for example) anyway because alcohol is extremely toxic to the pancreas.
The sad part about our condition is no matter what - once we have Pancreatitis we are ALWAYS at risk. It makes no difference whether you become pain free and your pancreas heals - you or I could screw up with diet or whatever tomorrow and have an Acute Pancreatitis episode that is our final one and, things can turn ugly very fast.
I know you probably didn't want to hear that but I don't believe in sugar coating things, especially when it comes to life and death situations.
The Health Guy
Pancreatitis - Living with Pancreatitis