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Re: Castor Oil Cleansing
  Views: 8,286
Published: 19 y
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Re: Castor Oil Cleansing

I hope you don't mind giving some more explainations to the internal use of castor oil.

There is absolutely no contraindications to castor oil fo people with compromised liver function. The"party" takes place one level deeper - in the intestine. Here, the fatty acids of castor oil induce a histamin and prostaglandine release. The result is diarrhoe and an interruption of the so call enterohepathic cyle which in turn prevents toxins from being reabsorbed in the intestine. In so far it help the liver to get rid of toxins, GOOD for the liver.

Castor oil should not be taken by pregnant women, because it migh induce prematue labour. However, if the body is not too toxic there will be no or very little cramping. As a matter of fact the smoother and quicker the castor oil effect is the less toxic is the body.

The only contraindictions I would see are Morbus Crohn and colitus ulcerosa. Diarrhoe even the chronic form is not a contraindication. As a matter of fact I personally know a person with daily episodes of diarrhoe for 24 (!!!) years. One castor oil application resulted in one week without diarrhoe. Another person I know took castor oil 250 (11) time in the course of sevral years and got rid of a servere form of light allergy.

If it were not for the bad taste I would take castor oil regularly once a week. However, the moment I only smell this oil I get sort of nausea.



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