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Blastocystis/Inflamed Intestines
HealthRichness Views: 1,810
Published: 14 y

Blastocystis/Inflamed Intestines


Despite the fact that I have practiced bowel hygene -Colon Cleanse, fasting, LF- for the last few years
my stools showed Blastocystis H. when I went to the doctor due to increasing severe ascites in my upper abdomen, changes in bowel functioning, dry and very narrow stools at times alternating with diahrera/watery/mucous ones, bloating, pain when eating/drinking, abdominal distension, and I belive -they did not look at it- an already very
inflamated intestine -due to the narrow and stripe-carved stools when hard- causing possibly most of the problems
for the last few months.

Unfortunately I was given Flagyl 750mg TBC x 10 days. As I had been trying to sort the problem via sort fasts & SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) thinking something was blocked since i started with it, I panicked and took the med. Due to the lenght and worsening of the symtoms I was desperate to avoid the nasty worsening symptoms which I was not being able to fix. 1 week after finishing it retested stools and Blasto cyst were found in the 3 samples
-1st test only in 2 out of 3-. Dr. has derived me to a GI as well as requesting an abdominal ultrasound, both of which I am awaiting to get. Also gave me Flagyl again, which I am not going to take.

My impression is that my intestine/GI is completely inflamated -well, I did touch my colon with my finger and it is: gives the impression the whole intestine is
blocked and collapsed by itself, not by fecal matter-, and Flagyl did made it worst, maybe even eroding parts of it and making life easier for Blasto. I started to take Dr. Clark parasites program together with Co-Q10 90 mg & L-cysteine 1000mg x 3 times per day on an empty stomach. Also 3 days ago I started to get Essential Oregano Oil (1-2 drops) diluted in 1/2 Tbs either Olive/Castor/Almond Oil x 3 times a day for the Blasto. Also taking Psyllum with Inulin & Probiotics x 2/day and life brewers yeast 2/day.
I keep a bland diet, with little oily fish, take 1/2-1 tsp turmeric after food, and ACV with water in between meals.

a) Would the Oregano Oil and Cloves be discouraged with intestine/GI inflammation?
b) Should I stop the deworming program and first deal with the inflammation ? How? I can only think of Aloe Vera juice, enzimes via juicing & papaya & Probiotics.
c) If the Blasto is tha cause -or at least is contributing significatively- to the GI inflammation and I stop treating it with the Oregano Oil, and therefore inflammation worsening will Water Fasting help or what would you suggest?
d) What tests would you suggest to get down to the root of the problem?

I just feel like if my insides are completely irritated/inflammed and nothing seems to be helping out, but it could be just the Blasto.

I would much apprecaite your tips, opinios and guidance on how to proceed as I am really getting dishearted, which does not help my GI. Thanks


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