1) The main problem with "public housing" is there should not be any! Since getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden; mankind has had to forage, build and maintain their housing... Then you take a scatter brain idea that someone owes you something, and couple it with the so called "Liberal" postulation that only if you take stuff from those who have it and give it to the have nots; do you have happiness and joy! Then you are either a control freak who wants to make yourself feel better or just plain stupid as to the plan and purpose of mankind!
2) God gave everyone intelligence and a free will {choice}... It seems that evolution to the current "politically correct" {which is a misnomer} movement which is an attempt to balance, equalize or make fair by placing everything on a so called level playing field, is an insane idea! Only personal desires to care and share will ever help your neighbors, not government mandates and regulations...