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Re: do you regret doing SWF?

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

pepe Views: 4,047
Published: 13 y
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Re: do you regret doing SWF?

So all these hundreds of years people have been eating yogurt and kefir have been a waste of time  huh? All the hundred of thousands that have done daily SWF on the Master Cleanse are suicidal maniacs destroying their digestive system. Puleez........use common sense. The SWF has been around a very long time as it is a very old Ayurvedic protocol. You might think they woulda figured something in prolly the hundreds of years it's been used............USE COMMON SENSE.

You seem to be attached to somekinda fatalistic fear mongering agenda and are now passing this on when millions have been doing the SWF and doing Kefir for the benfeficial probiotic effects for hunderds of years. What you are expounding here is a hopeless agenda when the empirical evidence of the ovewhelmning majority of hundreds of years and millions of users prove you wrong.



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