Re: OK then, will not take any
Hey Joe,
I thought this information may help you with the magnesium question. I just posted the information on dandelion juice
because it states this:
Raw dandelion juice obtained from the leaves as well as the root, and combined with carrot and turnip leaves juice, will assist in remedying spinal and other bone ailments
and this:
All chemical magnesium preparations, whether powdered or in so-called milk form, result in deposits of inorganic waste matter in the system. While they may give the more or less immediate results claimed for them, such results are purely temporary. The after effects of the deposit of such inorganic matter in the body may have repercussions of a more or less devastating nature in the future. We prefer to follow in the footsteps of the sage whose principle was to be safe now rather than to be sorry later.
Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices - What's Missing in the Body (1978)[edited]
This juice is one of our most valuable tonics. It is useful to counteract hyperacidity and to help normalize the alkalinity of the system. While exceedingly high in potassium, calcium, and sodium, it is our richest food in magnesium and iron content. Magnesium is essential for giving firmness to the skeleton and preventing softness of the bones. A sufficient quantity of vital organic magnesium and calcium in the food during pregnancy will help prevent the loss or degeneration of teeth due to childbirth, and give firmness and strength to the bones of the child.
Vital organic magnesium in proper combination with calcium, iron, and sulphur, is essential in the formation of certain ingredients of the blood. Such magnesium has great vitalizing powers and is a constituent as builder of body cells, particularly the tissues of the lungs and the nervous system.
Vital organic magnesium can be obtained only from live, fresh plants and must be used fresh and raw. It must not be confused with manufactured magnesium preparations which, as inorganic minerals, interfere with the proper healthy functions of the body.
All chemical magnesium preparations, whether powdered or in so-called milk form, result in deposits of inorganic waste matter in the system. While they may give the more or less immediate results claimed for them, such results are purely temporary. The after effects of the deposit of such inorganic matter in the body may have repercussions of a more or less devastating nature in the future. We prefer to follow in the footsteps of the sage whose principle was to be safe now rather than to be sorry later.
Vital organic magnesium, as obtained raw from vegetable juices, is a nourishing element of inestimable value to the human system.
Raw dandelion juice obtained from the leaves as well as the root, and combined with carrot and turnip leaves juice, will assist in remedying spinal and other bone ailments, as well as give strength and firmness to the teeth, thus helping to prevent pyorrhea and decay.