Re: Failed 3rd Flush...
No -- I ate no fat or protein for breakfast/lunch that day and in fact, the only protein/fat I had the day prior to the 1st day of the flush was before noon, so unless the Candida Force gelcaps prompted some bile flow due to their soybean oil, I should have had plenty of bile built up.
You're supposed to take Candida Force 5 caps/3x day and Detox Essentials 4 caps/2x day and given that fruit juice is forbidden already on the McCombs Plan, it doesn't seem like a good idea to drink juice AND skip the required supplements. I'll have wasted the entire past few weeks that I've been doing the plan.
On the other hand, I know my liver is congested too, especially since I've had a problem with liver flukes and I really don't want to wait another 3 months to do another
Liver Flush as I'll feel like I've lost the momentum I've gained from the recent flushes I've done. I've waited 3 weeks in between flushes, so I don't think the time frame is the problem.