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Re: LIver flush #39

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

Michael B Views: 2,122
Published: 14 y
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Re: LIver flush #39

Hey, I figured if the damn thing has been living off me for 20 years, I have to live off of it :) hahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! It was also a way of showing myself just how severe having a whole body full of fungus is... some people cringe at the idea of touching such things but... it has already been touching me intimately in the deepest recesses of my most sacred chambers.

There was a poster, Im sure you've read of him, named Telman who used a bunch of protocols to increase his bile production. The juvacleanse will do this, so will ginger, tumeric, and excercise, as well as fasting the day of the flush. Gluck and keep at it!


I have considered the notion that our bodies are continually creating new stones even after adopting a healthy lifestyle, but from my experience I just think we vastly, vastly underestimate just HOW MUCH crud can be jammed in our livers. Remember, the stones are smaller and compacted in the ducts than when they come out. I have gotten out about 2 to 3 tablespoons of verifiable intrahepatic stones about 5 times, so it amounts to about 10 tablespoons worth of crud stuffed in my liver. I feel the difference in the amount of food I can eat comfortably, as if my stomach has so much more room to expand. Another possibility for the inconceivable amounts of stones some people get out... could be from all the sludge draining from their arteries and veins, temporarily forming stones as they try to exit through the liver. And not just the blood vessels, but really the ENTIRE body's sludge deposit.

Think about it... if out livers get completely clogged at an early age, where does all that fast food sludge go for the next 20 years? Just food for thought.


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