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Re: LIver flush #39

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

Michael B Views: 2,220
Published: 14 y
This is a reply to # 1,847,066

Re: LIver flush #39

Buteyko, not bhuteyko. Increased carbon dioxide blood levels dialate veins, arteries, and, yep you guessed it, intrahepatic ducts.

*Also, try FRESH organic apple juice instead of the pasteurized kind. If it is pasteurized, make sure it has the mother and is unfiltered.

*Also try a more concentrated Epsom Salt dose. The recommendation is typically 1Tbsp per 6 ounce dose. Try heating 6 oz of water up and supersaturating it with epsom salt. The more concentrated the solution, the more response your ducts and liver/gb have. Also, make sure your stomach is totally empty when drinking the salt solution.

*Also, try eating only Watermelon and the day before the flush, and fasting on the day of the flush.

*Also, try doing a hot/cold shower therapy before flushing, alternating between very hot and very cold water 7 or 8 times.

*Also, try excercising the day of the flush

Hope this helps,


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