Re: Selenium lozenges for amalgams?
Well the problem isn't just the breathing and you'll drive yourself crazy trying to control autonomic things like breathing. Mercury vapor released from
Amalgams are elemental vapor forms of mercury which are absorbed in the lungs but are also very lipophilic and can directly be absorbed through the nerves and cells of your face, nose, throat, etc. It is constant exposure so there isn't much that you can do other than to remove them.
The thing that I try to do is not brush the top of the
Amalgams and if i do, do it briefly. Don't eat ANY hot food. Temperature will cause a huge spike in the vapors so I always cooled my food and never drank any hot stuff (once I found out). I try to chew on the side that has no/least amount but the exposure is inevitable. For the time being, you will just have to deal with it but having been through the removal process, it is really not that bad. My fillings were small though and I did all 4 without any anesthetics. For someone with larger fillings, they will need the anesthetic but even then its not bad. Just make sure you find someone who does it properly found on using a dental dam, high speed drill, certain drilling methods, oxygen supply, cold water and suction, etc.
if you happen to be in Los Angeles by any chance, You should try Dr. James Rota in Westwood. He is a pioneer in the field and he uses something that is BETTER than a dental dam that not many biological dentists know of. It is a modern innovation using a mouth piece that has 3 different vacuum suctions that surround the tooth being worked on very close that directly suctions all vapors released and also catches any pieces on the bottom.