Re: Oil Pulling / Water Pik Re: Teeth cleanings n what to do ?
thanks Water it is very useful
I have the powder though and not the oil ..hope that will work good for me as well ..I just brush my teeth in it 2 or more times a day
and oil pulling well I have never done that but would be willing to if it could keep me out of the dentists chair for sure .. I just hate going to the dentist for more reasons than one
now if I could only find out how to put teeth back to where they were .. over time they have gapped apart a little increasing the chance of food getting stuck in my teeth
I used to have a nice ,straight set of teeth but have always had cavity problems my whole life.. I was 8 yrs old when I got 6
Amalgam fillings in one day which hurt like hell was horrible ..I sat there holding back the tears the whole time wondering when it was gonna be all over with .
afterwards the dentist told my mom I had done a great job grrrrrrrrr and all I wanted to do was put him in the chair and drill on his teeth a little while and see how he liked it ..haha
thanks again