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a real success story!
candidanswer Views: 14,550
Published: 14 y
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a real success story!

After several years of abject misery, a year ago now I diagnosed myself with pinworms. I took the over the counter medicine. And the worms themselves seemed to go away. I had no more visible incidence of them at all. Yet I itched like mad...

I then tried every essential oil that was proven to work against parasites both internally and externally; also diatomaceous earth and coconut oil. I made salves and creams and douched with iodine.

All would help a little, but the itching persisted...on and on and on...well, you know how it is.

It wasn't until I began to get very weak, dizzy, and experience and increasing loss of energy that I began to truly panic and look for some other solution. But vitamins, off the shelf pro-biotics, amino acids...all helped a little at first...but now I didn't even have the energy to take them. And my short term memory was fading, as well as my hair falling out, eye floaters were proliferating, my thyroid was not producing properly, the sinus cavities in my jaw and ears ached chronically, the back of my left thigh had shooting pains...

THEN I begin to feel my heart acting up in my chest! Now I was seriously scared. One day out of curiosity I took my blood pressure and found it borderline low: 88/56 with a heart rate of 53. And I could barely move. My brain felt like I was moving around in a fog. I couldn't think clearly. Now I am not a hypochoncriac. And I honestly thought I was dying. Come to find out...I probably was.

I can't remember exactly what brought me the answer. (Though I am certain Godsource had much to do with it!) Maybe I just typed all my symptoms into Google. But the answer was so profound!


Every symptom I had fell into it. It is the prime cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And parasites (like pinworms) quite often come along with it in the intial stages. So we cure the pinworms/parasites, but the Candida stays. And we are fooled.

Candida is a yeast that is normal in the healthy body. It is kept in check by a healthy immune system. When that immune system is challenged by anti-biotics (MAJOR cause!), stress or aging, the Candida yeast can turn into Candida mold which then begins to invade the entire body until it literally destroys it. This is known as Systemic Candida or Candidiosa.

At first I was terrified. But it motivated me to study everything I could about it. Most people attempt to starve Candida. But the fact is, the so-called Candida diet wasn't for me. But I found something that worked. It works faster and better and brilliantly!

MMS! I take it every evening before bed with PURE coconut water (not coconut milk) (so I can stomach it...otherwise I cannot get it down). I take 7,8, 10 drops depending on what my body wants. (If you don't know what Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is google 'Jim Humble' is the Miracle Mineral Supplement that only costs about $20 for a year's supply...or you can get the rock and make your own! is a miracle to be sure. And there are tons of success stories on the Internet from people who have used it to cure everything from Multiple Sclerosis to Cancer to AIDS AND even Alzheimers!)

Anway, I coupled my Miracle-Mineral-Supplement with some *super* pro-biotics (50 billion...kept in the fridge) and I doubled the dose the first few days. Miracle-Mineral-Supplement does not kill the good flora and fauna, only the bad. NOTE: I don't take them the same time as the MMS. The Pro-Biotics can actually keep the Candida in check when you get them growing again properly in your system.

I have changed my diet, but I don't starve myself by eating only raw veggies. I ask my body what it wants to eat today. It is a learning process. And I'm already losing weight!

Within three days of this new regimen, my blood pressure began to climb back to normal (90's-100), my heart rate had increased to the low 60's. My heart has stopped 'letting me know it is there'. And my energy is climbing daily. I almost feel like my old self again...but I know I still have a ways to go. But then I've only been at this a week.

The itching has almost completely subsided. I stopped douching preferring to see if the MMS can handle the whole thing. But when I do feel any itching, I pour Hydrogen Peroxide right on my private parts. It is cool, soothing and provides relief for some time.

After several years of misery I am so happy to see the daylight. And I wanted to share it with everyone!

There is just tons of info on the net about all that I speak of there is not only hope, but a cure for anyone with the symptoms...or even some of the symptoms that I had.

Good luck!




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