Re: Juicers
Hi WY,
The Angel takes about 5 mins to clean, so a labor of love for some because of the preceding benefits. Not much pulp after
juicing a pint or so, so no real bother and I use it for composting.
juicing combos look great and highly beneficial.
Juicing is a slight deviation from NH yes, but NH has been modified and improved over the years.
juicing has always been the favored way within NH for breaking fasts as well so not that foreign to its philosophy.
A quality juicer will extract all of the liquid nutrition leaving only the cellulose/pulp. Liquid nutrition is also absorbed much more easily going directly into the bloodstream and does not strain the digestive organs with energy-expenditure, allowing the majority of this energy free to do other tasks within the body. But before anybody jumps on me in saying we need cellulose/roughage in wholefoods as well, they would be absolutely right, so I am not advocating living on juice exclusively or permanently.
What influenced my thinking here was a chap by the name of Dr Norman Walker, who lived a very active and healthy life for about 100 years and who cured himself just by living on freshly extracted veggie juices................
Best Wishes