Absolutely calihunter,
of course you can break a fast on almost anything, and where
Shelton found that if genuine hunger has not returned then more care needs to be taken when refeeding, but as long as hunger has returned then the body is much more receptive to solid food.
There was one case I recall of
Shelton attending a man who had fasted for over a month at home, and broke his fast on beefsteak and potatoes, but because natural hunger had not returned his body could not handle it: it stuck like glue in his intestines and actually killed him.
It was Dr Virgina Vetrano who worked with
Shelton for many years and who persuaded Shelton that liquids are not ideal in breaking a fast: she then proceeded to break long-term fasts with fruits or vegetables in their original state with no ill-effects to the patient. She reasoned that animals in the wild cannot break their fasts on liquids and so on.
So you are essentially right of course, where there are many ways in breaking a fast, and where your choices are very good in my opinion.
I used to be a lacto-vegetarian for many years but now lead an omnivorous way of eating with the exclusion of red meat, but I do eat chicken, turkey and fish of all kinds.
I just thought my post would illustrate the value of carrot juice for the Liver, the main organ of elimination, and especially its benefits for that organ.
Best wishes.