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Re: carpet beetles
uchihaMadara Views: 7,718
Published: 14 y
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Re: carpet beetles

I called an eco-friendly company to spray a pet-safe pesticide in the corners of my home prior to moving into it. So far, no allergic reactions or problems. The compound they sprayed is called Demand (peticide) all around the inner and outer perimeters of the home. So far, bugs crawling into the home end up on their backs, especially in the garage. Supposed to work for 6 months at a cost of around $60 per treatment. I didn't sign any contracts to do re-treatments. I just needed to know where the bugs were coming in from, and they were at poorly weathersealed enterance doors. Sometimes, you have to check other areas of a home like Dryers exhaust ports for openings around the wall - unfinished work. Usually, water lines have unfinished/incomplete seals around them, allowing bugs into a home. I'd check behind a dishwasher even, could have unfinished walls there too. Sometimes a chimney could lead to bugs coming in.

Point is, you have the option of spraying your perimeter for these bugs. You'll be able to tell where they love to crawl to and from. Call an eco-pet-friendly company, note your concern for your health when you deal with them.


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