Re: What is the material basis of Consciousness ?
Elementary particles . . . . ?.
The elementary particles are not as simple as we think.
The world of electron.
But maybe these electrons are World,
where there are five continents:
the art,
and the memory of forty centuries.
/ Valery Brusov. /
‘ . . , to start with every molecule as s living thing, . .’
/ Samuel Butler. /
Is an electron, atom, molecule a living thing?
Does an electron, atom, molecule have consciousness ?
Molecular biology and molecular evolution.
Cosmology and cosmic evolution.
Can an electron, atom, molecule evolve?
Does evolution of life begin on electron’s ( atom’s ) level?
Does somebody have doubts that Genesis begin on electron’s ( atom’s ) level?
The origin of life is a natural result of the physical laws that govern the Universe.
Electron takes important part in this work.
If the Universe evolves, can electron evolve too?
In our earthly world there is only one elementary fundamental particle.
And it is quantum of light / photon / electron.
The quantum of light / photon / electron is not as simple as we think.
I. Socratus.