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Re: What is the material basis of Consciousness ?
socrat Views: 4,492
Published: 15 y
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Re: What is the material basis of Consciousness ?

Quantum physics meets biology.

What did the authors
/ Markus Arndt, Thomas Juffmann, Vlatko Vedral /
talk about in their article ?

They have interest only in one idea.
Through all their work they try to understand the
connection between information, brain and quantum
theory in living and not living systems.
Their conclusion is.
The interest of combination between Quantum physics
and Biology is growing but many experimental
demonstrations and theoretical explanation unclear.
To understand this problem is timely and important for us.
My layman’s conclusion.
In the internet we can read hundreds theories of electron.
All of them are problematical.
Nobody knows what electron is.
In the internet we can read hundreds articles about
connection between quantum theory, brain and information.
All of them are problematical.
There is tendency for searching this truth.
How I understand this problem.
Our brain works on dualistic basis:
usually consciousness (logically) and rarely unconsciousness.
It means the interaction between billions and billions neurons
can be in two stats.
In the stat of consciousness (C ) or in the stat of unconsciousness ( U).
And we have information ( I ) which gives birth to thought and act
in the each of these two situations.
The question is:
How can the information or quantum of information transfer ( or be transfer)
from the stat C to the state U and vice versa ?
Doesn’t this question is similar to the puzzle of quantum tunneling ?
But quantum tunneling is tunneling of one particle- electron.
How can electron transfer from the stats C to the state U and vice versa ?
What is electron ?
If somebody try to understand the connection between information,
brain and quantum theory without electron, he is mistaken.


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