Re: Please help! Parasite and inflammed colon/stomach. [Pics in]
Where did you get the idea that candida sufferers all gain weight? Many of them struggle with keeping weight on, so that's not an indicator at all. Furthermore, the likelihood is if you have intestinal parasites, you most likely have candida as well since the
parasites help create the ideal environment in the gut for candida/fungus to take root.
There are many natural approaches to treat both disorders, but if I tried to go into all of them here in 2 paragraphs, I'd be here all day. You may want to check out "The McCombs Plan" for candida (he runs the "Ask the Candida Expert" forum) and forum posts from either "Humaworm" or "Barefoot Herbalist" for your
parasites (both have their own forums here on Curezone as well).
Something you need to keep in mind is that if you have
parasites and/or candida overgrowth and/or intestinal inflammation, your immune system isn't operating up to par or you would have been able to fight off these things, so you need to look at why your immune system is depressed. If you have mercury/amalgam fillings, that may be a big factor, but things like taking
Antibiotics or simply having a bad diet can all cause this as well.