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Re: Follow-up on my friend with bone metastasis

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Re: Follow-up on my friend with bone metastasis

 The question of angiogenesis actually came up before.   What they need to understand is 1. that angiogenesis occurs regardless if ozone is present or not and 2. that ozone kills cancer cells on contact.  So the destruction rate of cancer cells will exceed the growth by stimulation by angiogenesis growth factors.

When ozone comes in to contact with cell membranes a lipid peroxide is formed by the reaction of the ozone with lipids in the cell membrane.  These peroxides enter in to the various cells.  Healthy cells though contain enzymes that break down the peroxides to protect the cells.  Cancer cells on the other hand lack these peroxides and thus swell and burst from a peroxide overload.  In the whole process the peroxide is broken releasing a singlet oxygen molecule, which then reacts with more lipids creating new lipid peroxides.  So a chain reaction is created leading to a lot of cancer cells being destroyed even with small amounts of ozone.  So the cancer cells are destroyed faster than they can grow.  They are also overlooking the fact that the ozone can use the same vascular system the cancer cells use to move to the cancer cells.  So the angiogenesis is not really an issue.

As for the stage of cancer, the further advanced the cancer the more important it is to use something that can destroy cancer cells rapidly and boost the immune system, both of which ozone does.



This was his answer to your comments. Please make your remarks! Thank you so again!

"Works in theory Clarita but every case is different and I as well as our staff have been through too many episodes of cancer travelling faster than ozone to leave a person’s life to a gamble.

As I mentioned before angiogenesis is going to occur regardless whether or not ozone is used.  Tumors start out without a real oxygen supply.  And yes, cancer cells do require oxygen to survive.  Once the tumor reaches around 2-3mm in size the tumor becomes too large for oxygen to diffuse in to the center of the tumor.  So the center of the tumor becomes hypoxic and dies.  in response, the other tumor cells create angiogenic growth factors (AGFs) to stimulate blood vessel formation to bring oxygen and nutrients to the tumor.  So again it does not matter if someone is using ozone or not since the tumor is going to form blood vessels regardless.

In addition, cancer cells can travel through the lymphatic system are relocate within a cavity through other means.  So angiogenesis is not the only means for metastases to occur.

We have for that reason stopped accepting people with cancer. I understand both your and the persons points but we are talking about lives here. I have heard of success with ozone in cancer and I have seen our own patients come back but I have also seen too much of the reverse occur to be able to safely say to you that you should go ahead, please understand this.

I have seen cancer reversed with ozone.  And ozone does this with less side effects than most other therapies, and unlike so many other therapies cancer cells cannot build up a tolerance to it.  And unlike mainstream chemotherapy and radiation therapies ozone is not carcinogenic.  In addition, ozone addresses the causes of cancers unlike most therapies and can also target metastasized cells so they will not start growing when the primary tumor is removed and the angiogenesis inhibitors produced by the primary tumor are removed.

Also, as a side note, all things considered there are a few things he/she have not stated and that would be the type of cancer,

That is because the type of cancer is irrelevant.  Ozone can go places where most drugs and herbal compounds, etc. cannot go such as across the blood-brain barrier and bone.  And again it will also address various causes and contributing factors such as cancer viruses and carcinogens.  Again many therapies do not address these other factors and thus is another reason that cancers tend to come back with other therapies.


Again irrelevant since ozone can reach tissues throughout the body.

de-tox of the waste,

That is why we have things such as an immune system and lymphatic system to deal with the waste material, which is primarily uric acid.  Actually this would be the same for any therapy in which cancer cells are killed.  But uric acid is normally hydrolyzed in to urea and passed off as urine, which is why I recommend plenty of water.  Furthermore, the goal of ozone is not to destroy a large tumor all in one shot.  As I have mentioned in the past this could lead to sepsis, which is why multiple treatments are used to destroy the cancer in stages.  This allows the cellular debris and uric acid to be eliminated before more is created.  

People will generally develop some flu-like symptoms starting out, but this is not from detox, it is from the activation of interferon, which is yet one more mechanism that ozone addresses cancer.

complications of the rapid kill as well as what ozone does to the human body in general under this condition which all comes into play.

As far as the "rapid kill" this is addressed above.  As far as what "ozone does to the human body" this is pretty vague.  What are some of the effects of ozone on the human body?  Well there is increased rate of healing of wounds, killing of pathogens, increasing of various immune stimulating cytokines, increasing levels of the body's antioxidant enzymes, prevention of rouleaux, breaking of carbon monoxide-hemoglobin bonds and loosening of carbon dioxide-hemoglobin  bonds, oxidation of carcinogens and other toxins, increased ATP synthesis........  Hmmm..... so far all good things.  The only way ozone is going to be dangerous is if it used improperly, which would mean too high of a concentration for the application or the use of hot corona or UV units with air as a starter gas.  

As I had mentioned previously a study conducted in Germany followed over 6.5 million dose of ozone given.  There were a little over 30 adverse reactions reported, and most of those minor such as pain or redness at the injection site.  I don't know of any other cancer therapy with such a high safety rate.

You see, it is ok to quantify the logical action which is right but there are a host of issues that have to be considered and unless one has had many, many years of experience doing this type of therapy those issues they would never consider.

I have been researching and working with ozone for about 20 years.  I have been doing cancer research for 30 years.  So he needs to come up with some serious evidence to the contrary if he wants to convince me otherwise on the safety and effectiveness.


We maintain that the cost of pulling a stage four or more individual out of their cancer is close to $200, 000USD due to these complications,

That is absolutely ridiculous!!!

this we have done, quite a few times so I speak from experience.

And I can speak from experience that it can be done for a fraction of that cost.  For example, I knew a guy years ago with advanced bone, lung and esophageal cancer who got rid of his cancers with a Rife unit and herbs. Total cost was less than $1,000.  Then there was my dad's neighbor who was given less than a week to live with terminal liver cancer.  My dad loaned him an experimental Rife unit, which cost less than $100 to build.  The guy died two years later from an aneurysm, but a scan a month before showed no traces of cancer.  I have also seen cancers destroyed by ozone and peroxide therapy, which is very similar.  Ozone units as we have seen can be bought for less than $1,000, while a pint of 35% food grade peroxide is about $10.  Peroxide is more difficult to utilize though and is more limited as to where it will work.

But as pointed out earlier ozone does not have these limitations.  It does not matter if it is a blood cancer, lymphatic cancer, brain cancer, skin cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, etc.  ozone can reach it and destroy the cells as well as any pathogens that may trigger them.  He needs to look in to the chemistry and properties of ozone as well as the mechanisms of how it works.  In addition, he needs to consider a major flaw in malignant tumors, which is the lack of antioxidant enzymes that deal with peroxides in malignant tumor cells since this is the primary method by which ozone selectively kills cancer cells.

If you look at modern medicine and its costs, this is a bargain,

Not in my opinion.  And in the case of modern medicine then the factors he mentioned earlier such as the type of cancer, where, etc. do apply.

it is not however covered by insurance and very few can afford it, but that is the reality. This is done with 24 hour care, strict diet and grossly overpriced herbs that are only available from one source

There are so many herbs that have very strong anti-cancer properties such as chaparral, pau d' arco, turmeric, sweet wormwood, chagas, birch bark, etc.  None of these are outrageously expensive.  So why are they gouging people by using "grossly overpriced herbs" when there are cheap and highly effective herbs readily available?

as well as ozone and a regime of vitamins,

You mean like synthetic vitamin C, which is extremely unstable and pro-oxidant in higher levels?  I started working on a book reviewing alternative cancer therapies and already did a chapter on the problems and dangers of IV ascorbic acid often promoted as a cancer therapy.

Ideally a "strict diet" should provide all the vitamins the person needs.  Megadosing of vitamins creates its own set of issues.


Are they aware that amino acids compete for absorption?  Thus amino acid therapy often does not work because competing amino acids are combined.  In addition, are they aware that the breakdown of amino acids results in more uric acid, which is the primary "waste" created by the destruction of cancer cells they are worried about?

Actually uric acid is not really a "waste product" entirely.  Uric acid is one of the body's primary antioxidants.  The only reason it would cause problems is if it builds up to levels where it cannot be completely hydrolyzed, which could lead to problems such as gout, kidney stones or kidney damage.  But again there are cheap and easy ways to prevent this such as maintaining hydration.  Nettle leaf, juniper berry or malic acid can also be used to reduce uric acid levels.

and flushes, to name a few.

I would be curious to find out what they mean by flushes as well.  Do they mean like liver flushes that have been proven bogus? Or the use of strong stimulant laxatives that can lead to decreased nutrient absorption and electrolyte imbalances?

All this to counteract what occurs in the body, all in all quite a lot of work."

To counteract what that is going on in the body?  If done properly the body can deal with the destruction of the cancer cells.  And if referring to ozone what is occurring are all beneficial things again if being done right.  So what is there to counteract?

In my opinion the biggest mistake a lot of these cancer clinics make is loading people up on excess vitamins, using "flushes" and strict diets that simply put more stress on the body.  

And they remind me a lot of doctors who like to make something very simple sound more complicated so they can charge more money for something.  For example, a doctor will say something like you have cholecystitis and that you need to have your gallbladder removed rather than saying your gallbladder is inflamed most likely from sludge or gallstones and using bitters, lecithin and more fiber in your diet should clear it up.  If they would stick to simple and effective then most everyone would be able to afford treatment even if they do not have insurance.



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